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Postby WhoseGeneration » Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:53 pm

martine wrote:So I'm near Bordeaux as I write this with the family on a 2 week hols. Quite agree with Triquet about closeness on motorways - they nearly all do it both before and after the overtake which is a little disconcerting and outright dangerous.

Still confused about the priority to the right rules...the French seem to have got themselves in a bit of a pickle with:
  • 'diamond' signs (you're on a priority route)
  • cancelled 'diamond' signs (no longer on a priority route)
  • 'Cedez Le Passage' sign (give way)
  • 'Priorité à droite' sign (priority to the right)
  • the Cross road sign (which isn't necessarily a cross-roads) which also means priority to the right
  • "Vous n'avez pas la priorité" sign (you don't have priority)

All very confusing.

I was rarely confused in France, in fact finding it, in the main, easier than the UK.
You just have to do the AD stuff in a somewhat relaxed way, whilst keeping your wits about you and you'll have no problem.
My only potential conflict situation was my misinterpretation of a headlamp flash on a rural road, in France it means "I'm coming through", not as in the UK, where it often means "You go through". I had an escape route, luckily.
Always a commentary, spoken or not.
Keeps one safe. One hopes.
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Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:47 pm


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