Advanced Motoring Facebook Group

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Postby waremark » Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:06 am

Darren's involvement is nothing like the way PeteS suggests. Many of you may not have been around long enough to remember that Darren has a very long history of promoting and supporting advanced driving. Some of us met him. Ironically in view of the current discussion, he created this forum if I remember correctly after several years working on the then IAM mailing list, which predated the IAM forum, because he did not think the IAM mailing list was doing a good enough job promoting advanced driving. I rather think that his active involvement reduced partly because his life became busier in other direction, and partly because he was disappointed at not being able to attract a higher number of mainly young drivers.

I think he might possibly support the objectives of a FB presence, if not the way PeteS has gone about it. Personally, I use FB, but prefer to get my advanced driving stuff on a forum where I feel in control of when I read what, rather than on FB where it would be pushed at me in an unstructured way.
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Joined: Sat Apr 15, 2006 5:18 pm


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