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Hello from Transylvania!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:20 am
by Artofmotion
Good site. It's so good to be able to compare teaching styles and driving standards from around the world using just google!

Driving in Romania can be a challenge day to day as more and more high powered cars appear on the roads but we have just launched advanced driving classes in Brasov and Bucharest, in romania, to go someway to improve the poor driving culture among certain driver types. We even offer an intensive course on the Transylvanian mountain roads. Students can stay in a gorgeous holiday villa in Bran, Romania, and undergo training by day in a 3 to 4 day course while soaking up the incredible surroundings. for those interested.

Keep up the good posts please, they inspire us out there!

Best wishes,
Damian Galvin
Art of Motion team (Romania)

Re: Hello from Transylvania!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:44 am
by jameslb101
Hi Damien and welcome to the forum,

Your site looks interesting - a shame Romania is a bit too far from Bristol!

Can you tell us a bit more about life as a test driver for Aston Martin?


P.S. I'm sure you don't want customers to be put off by lack of professionalism on your website, so you may want to remove a few superfluous apostrophes. Nothing personal, just something that always jumps out at me - you see them misused all the time.

Re: Hello from Transylvania!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:50 pm
by jameslb101
chriskay wrote:
jameslb101 wrote:
P.S. I'm sure you don't want customers to be put off by lack of professionalism on your website, so you may want to remove a few superfluous apostrophes.

That's a bit harsh. Apart from these: "SUV's, BMW's, Volvo's" all in the same line, I found only one other in the whole site, and I'm a trained proofreader. The thing which concerns me more are the numerous spelling mistakes; top of the list must be the inability to spell "Porsche" correctly.

I don't think it's harsh. If it was my website, I'd certainly rather be told about mistakes so I could correct them before a potential customer was put off by them. It wouldn't hurt to have a professional copywriter do the words, or at least have it proofread, even if just by friends/family. I know I get someone to check over anything important that I write - I've got a habit of putting unnecessary apostrophes in "its" for example.

Re: Hello from Transylvania!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:36 am
by Artofmotion
Thank you gentlemen for the proof reading. I used a mobile device to create the site! Fat fingers, fast typer - bad combo.

Feel free to send points via private messages because i believe some threads directly damage the excellent work this site tries to perform, even though people are trying to be helpful.

I've seen a few threads where a good point has been made, badly written & 10 replies follow about typos, but each was attacking the previous helpful respondant & it can look like, to an outside window shopper, that we are just flat cap, wheel shuffling nit pickers promoting 29.9mph driving, which is not the case.

Many of the Thames Valley & Warks Police guys who provided some of my Road craft training for example were top blokes frankly. pragmatic, sensible, helpful mens'-men sorts. Not all are like that of course & they just deter new members & frankly, can cause issues that lead to road rage.

I recall in my very early days asking a lay-instructor what the optimum preparation was for overtaking a slow moving car or car-caravan for example, where safe to do so. Bear in mind i was driving cars with up to 550hp on tap, in priceless prototypes or client cars, with everyone keen to watch/ judge at the first chance, plus, I did not want to end up in a tree with excess acceleration, cold tyres etc. His response was, 'you should not need to overtake'!

Sitting behind a slow, long vehicle for instance when you can safely get out of the way reduces the risk of others behind you taking bigger risks by having more cars to pass, or of them putting pressure on you to act when you don't feel able to. Shorter overtakes = less risk.

Anyway, i'll sign off & thank you again for the feedback.


Re: Hello from Transylvania!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:50 pm
by jcochrane
Like the sentiments on the site and to see mention of enjoying driving. Thames Valley driving police driving school. Did you come across Andy Morrison or Simon Hiscock? Interested to see the wonderful Milbrook in the photos.