Server Move and Upgrade - Downtime

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Postby Darren » Sat Jan 06, 2007 9:36 am

In the early hours of 5th Jan the ADUK website was moved to a new server within the same ISP. This work was undertaken at the advice of the ISP to upgrade the site to a newer, faster machine.

During the last day or so, you may have noticed the site either being unavailable. MySQL errors or even getting a default, placeholder.

These problems are now fixed and normal service resumed and we're hoping you can now see a nice speed increase on the site (it was already quick, but it now should be much faster).

Apologies for any inconvenience the move may have caused, although it was deemed necessary and we were confident we could do it with only minor downtime as the internet's DNS system updated, which now seems to be the case.


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