Moderation policy

Suggestions for site improvements. Forum and Advanced Driving UK announcements such as events, changes to the system and general information people should know about.

Postby jont » Wed May 01, 2013 3:54 pm

Hi All,

Thanks for all your help over the last few years giving us moderators an easy life and little to do. As the forum has become more active, some of us have met up in real life ( :shock: ) which means that people are reading posts in different ways where they know the poster in real life; while the numbers of newcomers has steadily risen which is also great.

It's been noted recently that some topics have had a tendency to drift from the original intent - there's no problem with healthy debate or (un)healthy digression, but you may find the moderators taking a slightly more active approach to splitting topics where we think the thread drift starts detracting from the original discussion. This will be more actively enforced in the Learner and Advanced Driving and Riding forums where particularly for new visitors it's helpful to keep the topics a little more focussed.

We don't want to stifle discussion or debate but it's to keep the educational stuff clearer of digressions and make it easier to follow.

You can help us by reporting any threads where you think the discussion has drifted from the original intent or the signal/noise ratio has dropped below a useful level. We'll review the topic and split it if needed. Alternatively if you want to head off on a tangent feel free to create a new post with a link to the original topic.

thanks on behalf of the mods team.

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