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Postby petes » Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:48 pm

This forum is slow and seemingly struggling. I start a few threads that cause a bit of debate and got people involved, so moderators lock them both!

You don't want opinions from any outsiders.

I've now set up an ADUK Facebook page. PM me if you'd like the URL.

Modern thinking people: I'll see you there. Miserable people who are set in their ways: I'll leave you behind to shoot down any new blood on this forum.
Posts: 69
Joined: Fri May 08, 2015 9:10 am

Postby akirk » Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:04 pm

Before you start to rewrite the world on facebook - it might be an interesting learning experience to sit down and read your comments as though you were someone else reading them...
- someone who doesn't know you
- someone who is not invested in liking or disliking you or your opinions
- someone who is open to hearing from new people, but perhaps appreciates a sense of humour and dislikes arrogance and criticism...
- do you come across as someone who came into a new group of people gently, working out the dynamics of those already there, and saying hello
- do you come across as someone who stormed in - pasted up your opinion and then got cross with those who didn't agree with you...
- do you come across as sensitive / gentle / willing to share and willing to learn
- do you come across as knowing it all / trying to be clever / bit 'smart' about things / etc.

see what view others might have of you - I would guess it might be different from your own view of yourself...

I never understand people who join an online community in such an abrupt manner - tell everyone else that they are wrong and expect them to change - in real life would you join an established group of people (lets say a sports club) and instantly start to change things with no reference to the club owner / committee / members? If you would - wow! But most people wouldn't, so why do it online?

good luck with your crusades - this forum is neither slow nor struggling - it has a nice gentle pace of posts which are primarily focused and interesting - there are many busier forums with a load of rubbish being posted...

it has nothing to do with insiders or outsiders - I have met only a couple of people from this forum - universally charming and pleasant to spend time with - there has never in my experience been any us / them online or in real life... There is of course no collective 'you' to want or not want opinions - there is simply a forum on which various people post their opinion - however most people are perhaps a little bit more self-aware around how they do it - and don't storm in and create quite so much disturbance.

you have had two threads where you set out to stir - there is a name for it online - it is called trolling - and it is universally unpopular - with both threads there would have been easy gentle and pleasant ways to have started debates in those areas without it coming across as smug and arrogant...

fortunately I think the modern forward looking people (and some of the best drivers in the country) are already on this forum, so I will stay and learn from them - good luck with your approach ;)

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Location: Cotswolds

Postby trashbat » Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:08 pm

Pete, that's certainly one way of looking at it.

Another is that this is a community that is smaller, more cohesive, more technically-oriented and by default relatively more civil and well-mannered than many larger fora you might encounter. You have then come across as somewhat more, erm, abrasive than the norm, and have found that this isn't necessarily well received.

Personally I sympathise with some elements of what you seem to be getting at, like the Facebook thread, but it also hasn't necessarily been the most constructive of approaches. You're not going to win everyone on here around regardless of what you do, but you might get enough of what you want if you engage carefully.

Tongue in cheek TL;DR: spent too much time on PH recently?
Rob - IAM F1RST, Alfa Romeo 156 JTS
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Postby martine » Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:36 pm

Sorry to say I think it's best to lock this one as well! It might be temporary pending the site owner's (Darren) view - who I've notified.

Can I suggest PeteS you hold off starting any more threads until Darren has contacted you please?
Martin - Bristol IAM: IMI National Observer and Group Secretary, DSA: ADI, Fleet, RoSPA (Dip)
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