RAC Foundation Speed Camera Study

Discussion on Advanced and Defensive Driving.

Postby clearestimage » Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:03 am

I heard about this on the news this morning. My feelings are mixed on this. On the one hand I accept that the right tool when used properly will produce positive results.

In my view though there is still an over reliance on cameras and they simply serve to control a symptom of the fundamental problem which is the publics attitude towards speed. As Professor Glaister (Director of RAC Foundation says), "If speed cameras were turned off overnight there would be something like 80 people killed extra..."

This merely tells us what we already know which is that drivers are only slowing slow because the speed cameras are there rather than because they are actually driving more intelligently. We often see the brake lights come on as drivers approach a camera and then there is the predicted increase in speed once again after it has been passed. Average speed cameras were introduced to combat that behaviour.

There are some areas of the country where speed cameras have been removed from use and I would be interested to see the comparative data relating to KSI RTCs from both before and after the cameras were taken out.

In an ideal world we would be able to use education and training to change attitudes rather than resorting to enforcement.
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Postby martine » Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:23 am

RAC foundation and a representative of the website 'safespeed' were on Radio 4's Today program this morning (I imagine it was the late Paul Smith's partner). It's not up on iplayer yet but good debate.

Quite agree speed cameras have a place but the message to the public is keep within the speed limit and that's all you have to worry about. :roll:
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Postby fungus » Sat Jun 08, 2013 9:30 pm

martine wrote:Quite agree speed cameras have a place but the message to the public is keep within the speed limit and that's all you have to worry about.


I was going to put something rather more rude than that, but being rather technophobic I could not get the symbols to work.
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Postby martine » Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:50 pm

Friday's BBC R4 'Today' program is now on iplayer...the speed camera debate is about 1:51:30 into the program...

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Postby michael769 » Sun Jun 09, 2013 8:54 pm

Just read the report through. Firstly the claimed 25% reduction in some reports is misleading as it only relates to Warwikshire. The average decrease is actually 15% still pretty good you may think....

Well the devil is in the detail only 6 of the SCP recorded a statistically significant reduction. Of the reminder 3 showed an increase in casualties one of which was a statistically significant 10% increase.

Step forwards Mersyside SCP, what on earth are you doing with your cameras? Hitting people on the head with them?
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