Peugeot GTI6 - M3 Basher

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Postby jbsportstech » Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:20 am

Sorry I am having one of those childish your car is faster than my car arguments with one of our assistant qs's (21 yr old) and he recons he is getting a GTI6 306 which is standard 180bhp and his standard n reg with 85k will do over 155 gps confirmed. I have been on net and showed him the 167bhp stanard spec with 130mph but here swears blind its a focus st eater.

Sorry for those of you who think I am being childish but its such rubish!
Regards James

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Postby ScoobyChris » Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:25 am

Is he talking Focus ST170 or the Mk2 Focus ST?

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Postby jbsportstech » Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:33 am

well st170 but those figures are wrong for a standard car.

The 0-60 is the same 7.9 except i got mine timed at 7.4 at pro timed silverstone last year and I have rolling road 178bhp. so 167bhp *(He swears the 180 stan) will never do 155mph: Mine has been timed flat at 142mph gps which is only 7mph on standard as 6th gear is to tall for the engine with natural asperation.

306 GTI6 standard = 137.56 bhp/ton

st170 standrd = 140.73 bhp/ton
Regards James

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Postby Angus » Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:59 pm

Pedant mode:

What's he doing with an N reg GTi-6? They didn't come out 'til 97, which is a P or R plate.

Still, when you're 21, these claims are important :roll: I hope he's well paid too - this was one of the most expensive to run (insurance, servicing, wear & tear) cars that we've ever had. Easy to sell tho' :D

From memory, the 306 never felt that fast, and although it had 167 bhp, it had sod all torque, so I'd expect the Ford to be quicker in the real world.
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Postby jbsportstech » Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:37 pm

It might be quicker its just the claims tahts make me laugh more than anything. He is not on much especial since he still paying for the last 306 51 plate 2.0 hdi he had and he wrote it off over a year ago.
Regards James

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Postby zadocbrown » Thu Oct 02, 2008 1:04 am

I don't think top gear is even tall enough for 155mph, even down hill! (should red line at 140 something) Indicated 130-140 is as good as it gets. I'd still take it over the focus (mk whatever you like!) for sheer fun though!
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Postby jont » Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:06 am

jbsportstech wrote:well st170 but those figures are wrong for a standard car.

The 0-60 is the same 7.9 except i got mine timed at 7.4 at pro timed silverstone last year and I have rolling road 178bhp. so 167bhp *(He swears the 180 stan) will never do 155mph: Mine has been timed flat at 142mph gps which is only 7mph on standard as 6th gear is to tall for the engine with natural asperation.

306 GTI6 standard = 137.56 bhp/ton

st170 standrd = 140.73 bhp/ton

Peugeot will be quite a lot lighter by now as all the various bits of trim have fallen off :twisted:

Rolling road figures are irrelevant unless you're comparing cars at the same time on the same road, and even then factors like tyre pressures can make a difference. Maybe the 306 has a K&N filter and has been rolling roaded at "180 bhp" - still doesn't mean it's producing that. Or is he getting confused with the 206 GTi where there was a 180 version?

On the public road I imagine the differences are pretty academic and neither car would be able to drive away from the other (drivers being equal and both driving in a safe manner). On the track it would probably come down to driver ability (or just waiting for the 306 to break down).
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Postby jbsportstech » Thu Oct 02, 2008 8:29 am

Yea his story has changed from I was def doing 155 to the speedo read to 140 and it just passed it so minus 10% thats about 126mph which is right as the car has a top of 130mph.

I would of thought that the 306 which does not have much of a service history and would have probably lost some power with 80k odd on it. The focus has be serviced buy ford on the button ever 12.5k with additional oil and filter changes every 6k I have owned it since it was 2.5 yrs old and it has been look after no expense spared. I know what I would rather have.

With reference to gearing the 170 has a non ford german gear box made by getrag. I am told ots the same as the mini cooper gear box by a transmission specialist. Its geared for a good 160mph and I know of a turbo charged and some supercharged 170's which have proved its is! :lol:
Regards James

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Postby hardboiled » Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:20 pm

Lift off oversteer in the 306 will be more fun :D
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