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Postby Renny » Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:33 am

Just think, next year we'll be able to view it later using BBC iPlayer if you miss it live, no annoying adverts and who knows, maybe the return of Fleetwod Mac's "The Chain" :D
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Postby TripleS » Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:07 pm

Renny wrote:Just think, next year we'll be able to view it later using BBC iPlayer if you miss it live, no annoying adverts and who knows, maybe the return of Fleetwod Mac's "The Chain" :D

Oh, so they were responsible for that horrendous racket were they? Well you learn something new every day doncha!

Never mnd, it will still be better without the advert breaks.

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Postby SammyTheSnake » Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:21 pm

TripleS wrote:Incidentally, I don't have a lot of sympathy for the spaghetti gobblers. They've had plenty of success in recent times so it'll do them good to get used to not winning for a while.

Unfortunately for Massa himself, even though his *team* had won the champiionship (many times) before, he hasn't ever won it himself yet. I certainly feel sorry for the poor bugger for thinking he'd won then facing a sore disappointment.

Ah well, maybe he'll win it next year, who knows...

Cheers & God bless
Sam "SammyTheSnake" Penny
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Postby TripleS » Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:50 pm

SammyTheSnake wrote:
TripleS wrote:Incidentally, I don't have a lot of sympathy for the spaghetti gobblers. They've had plenty of success in recent times so it'll do them good to get used to not winning for a while.

Unfortunately for Massa himself, even though his *team* had won the champiionship (many times) before, he hasn't ever won it himself yet. I certainly feel sorry for the poor bugger for thinking he'd won then facing a sore disappointment.

Ah well, maybe he'll win it next year, who knows...

Cheers & God bless
Sam "SammyTheSnake" Penny

Maybe he will, and good luck to him; but most of these chaps never win a world championship at all, despite putting in lots of splendid performances over a period of many years.

Anyhow he's not a spaghetti gobbler is he? I thought Massa is Brazilian, but some of these details escape me - ageing memory and all that....

It's the Ferrari team as a whole that sometimes seems to get the idea that they always ought to be winning, as if they think they have some god given right to it. We've had the same sort of thing from football teams - Liverpool, and Manchester United - after they've had a long run of successes, and I don't think it's a bad thing if some of the lesser lights bring them down a peg or two occasionally - not that LH can fairly be described as a lesser light!! It is indeed a remarkable achievement, at such a young age too.

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Postby FunRider » Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:52 pm

Hamilton was unlucky not to win last year.

Just think, if he'd won last year and this year, he'd now be a double world champion, which would really make him one of the all time greats.

Time will tell, but currently I think Alonso is the one feeling hardest done by, he used to be the top dog as double champ and youngest to boot, but Lewis has taken half that away and can easily do the double bit as well.
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Postby TripleS » Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:01 pm

Well I eventually got round to watching the race, and I suppose it was OK, but to my mind the best action was unquestionably in the pits.

Who was that gorgeous curvy cutie in the red dress, jumping up and down excitedly and looking so delightfully young and frisky? Quite delightful, she was. I mean to say, gee whizz chaps, you have to admit she was a bit of a cracker.

Whoever you are young lady, enjoy it while you've got it. That's all I can say.

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Postby vonhosen » Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:05 pm

T'was her

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Postby TripleS » Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:16 pm

vonhosen wrote:T'was her


Thank you, Von. I see you're already ahead of me with the research!

Steamystars indeed. Well, yes, quite. :)

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Postby martine » Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:46 am

Hey chaps as new moderator here I really think this is 'off-topic' from the serious business of the World Formula 1 Championship - which is of course all about the pinacle of motor-sport technology and comptetiveness and not at all to do with glamorous young things prancing around in skimpy, tight-fitting....ahem.... :oops:

PS I'm not talking about Lewis before anyone posts a 'humorous' comment.
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Postby TripleS » Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:42 pm

martine wrote:Hey chaps as new moderator here I really think this is 'off-topic' from the serious business of the World Formula 1 Championship - which is of course all about the pinacle of motor-sport technology and comptetiveness and not at all to do with glamorous young things prancing around in skimpy, tight-fitting....ahem.... :oops:

We don't wish to know that. You can't come on here flaunting your new powers as moderator and expect us all to cow down immediately, when there are relevant matter being discussed.

Anyhow it wasn't tight fitting or skimpy. I saw it as a nice bright, lightweight, floaty type dress (but Sally will know the correct technical description better than I do) and I thought the picture was a delightful example of youthful lively femininity - and I ain't past the stage when I can notice and appreciate that kind of thing. So there. ;)

Thanks for your kind assistance with moderating services, Martin, but :razz:

....and that's meant in the nicest possible way.

We do deserve - and must have - a bit of leeway here, y'know.

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Dave - not always appreciative of 'authority'. :lol:
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