Farewell Sgt John Henry Manuel RM- A kindred spirit

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Postby AnalogueAndy » Mon Dec 15, 2008 2:12 pm

Sergeant John Henry Manuel, Royal Marines, Company HQ, X-Ray Company, 45 Commando Royal Marines was one of those killed in Sangin on Friday.

I didn't know him but reading the eulogies 'Manny' was clearly a kindred spirit.

From The official MoD announcement

He served for the majority of his career with the Fleet Protection Group, also known as Comacchio Group, and with 45 Commando Royal Marines. He also spent a brief spell at the Defence School of Driving, Leconsfield.

He was approaching the end of his career in the Royal Marines and it was his aspiration to pursue a second career with the Police as an Advanced Motorbike Instructor.

His contribution to the Commando and to the Royal Marines was enormous whether he was deployed on operations or pursuing his love of martial arts and motorbikes.

..His other passion was for motorbikes and if you couldn't find him in his office you could no doubt find him polishing his own bike inside the MT (Motor Transport) shed in preparation for taking it out for a spin after work. He had always wanted to ride hard and fast on the German autobahns and his dream was set to come true on return from HERRICK 9 with his close-knit biker gang. Although he won't be able to make the trip himself now, we will still make the trip and legally pass the 100 in his honour. Manny made us all laugh and wouldn't want us to be sad for long which is easier said than done; we wish he was here now to make us all laugh again. We will miss him.

Especially as we approach Christmas I hope I speak for all of us when I say our thoughts are with Manny's friends and family and all those who've have lost friends and loved ones, those who have friends and loved ones that are still out there on Operations and most of all the lads and lasses themselves.
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