DSA Driving Test (length of time)

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Postby zadocbrown » Wed Dec 24, 2008 7:41 pm

firstmk1 wrote:Maybe the ADI made a mistake with the time?

Possibly. Most instructors keep quite a keen eye on their watch though. If someone's back very early or they're still not back after everyone else has been and gone its not thought to be a good sign............
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Postby Why_Aye » Sun Jan 11, 2009 2:56 am

My exam (as in the one in which I passed!) took just less than 30 minutes from walking out the door to driving off without L plates.

There was not much debriefing about the test. I told the examiner just after I committed it about the one forward-driving minor error (words to the effect of 'that was too close for comfort but I saw that there was no occupant in the car to open a door nor that there was someone waiting to cross the road the other side of the car') and there were two reversing errors - both due to me trying to get the car round a corner without depressing the accelerator. I learnt that the driving test is not the place to practice a new technique! (Though now in that car I reverse slowly without the accelerator - no problem.)

However, the examiner did comment on my smooth, comfortable and progressive drive. (He must have chosen to ignore the first dozen yards out of the test centre while I was telling myself there is no need to produce more adrenaline...)

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Postby ExadiNigel » Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:54 am

Why_Aye wrote:....but I saw that there was no occupant in the car to open a door nor that there was someone waiting to cross the road the other side of the car')....


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Postby Why_Aye » Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:15 pm

adiNigel wrote:
Why_Aye wrote:....but I saw that there was no occupant in the car to open a door nor that there was someone waiting to cross the road the other side of the car')....



By looking through the windows, over the car, either side of the car, over the bonnet and finally going past the car the angle of vision opened up so I could see fully in front of it, I assume.

Nothing special and simply what I assume anyone else does. I can't see through metal, unfortunately. The speed was approx. walking pace.

Anyhow, it doesn't matter now. The original point was that my test was relatively short and I passed.

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