Honda S2000?

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Postby martine » Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:03 pm

I'm just about to take an IAM associate out who has an S2000. Anyone here driven one? Anything I should know about engine/handling/controls?
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Postby jbsportstech » Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:14 pm

they like being rev'ed to 9000rpm.

The can be a tad twitchy specially in the wet.
Regards James

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Postby Porker » Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:49 pm

I've not owned one but have driven one a few miles on the road and on a wet-grip handling circuit.

They do have a reputation for being a bit oversteer-prone in the wet, but in truth I think this comes down to coarse application of throttle. That said, due to the engine's rev range they are quite low geared and this can make a bootfull of throttle in, say, third feel more like giving it the gas in second gear.

I had an associate with one when they were newly out - about 8 or 9 years ago, and I cannot remember any specific problems with it.

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Postby Red Herring » Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:10 pm

It's a car, just drive it! :!:
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Postby AnalogueAndy » Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:20 pm

Not car related but possibly owner:

Has he/she owned it from new?

Don't think it is still running but last year certainly there was a deal that included 'owners club' membership, preferential insurance and a 1 day 'driving course' - a colleague at work did it. Handling on the track and 3 in a car.

Can't remember who delivered it but they mentioned the IAM. Perhaps might be how the Associate came to us?

In fact I'm wondering if it is the same guy, now that would be another strange co-incidence!
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Postby jont » Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:25 pm

My tutor had one - when I mentioned thinking about one his only words were "it bites".

I went out with a friend in one not too long ago. Amazingly tractable even from low down (perhaps not as flexible as your ST, but certainly a lot better than the elise), and just something else on cam. He was changing down when I was thinking it was about time to change up.

I think they were revised around 2003 with additions including traction control. The early ones especially do have a reputation for being wayward in the wet.
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