Emergency Braking and hazards lights

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Postby martine » Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:00 pm

So...some new cars have a feature that automatically flashes the hazards lights under 'emergency braking' conditions (some Citroens, some Focii)

If this were to happen when not on a m-way or NSL Dual-Carriageway, would the driver be breaking the law?

See Highway code rule: 116 [Law RVLR reg 27].
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Postby Custom24 » Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:51 pm

Focii :D
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Postby ExadiNigel » Sat Jan 31, 2009 8:00 am

Some of the Saabs put the brake lights into strobe mode when braking hard. I'm not sure that it really helps road safety other than to highlight the fact that the person was braking far too hard and late! Almost as if the was a speech balloon above teh car saying "Hey everyone, look what a prat I am"!

and No! I don't have a Saab! :D

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Postby jamei » Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:14 pm

I noticed from the manual that my new Focus has these. However I have braked rather hard on a couple of occasions but it hasn't kicked in. Maybe you have to be doing around 70mph when you hit the brakes, which should only be on roads where use of the hazards is appropriate. :?:
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Postby waremark » Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:00 am

I noticed in Volvos in Sweden that activating ABS also activated the hazard lights. I have no idea either whether this applies to UK market cars or whether it would be legal in the UK. It seems quite a good idea to me.

I think it is extraordinary that you are not allowed to use hazards in the same way on single CWS that you are on dials.

I understand my BMW has dual intensity brake lights amd that this has been allowed in the UK since about 2004. I don't know how hard you have to brake to bring in the higher intensity.
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