I've come to repent my sins

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Postby Oddball » Sun Jan 18, 2009 2:02 pm

Hi folks,

I thought it would be nice if we could post any motoring 'sins' we accidentally commit - situations where you kick yourself, and worry about perhaps what kind of mayhem you've caused. We've all done it, and I'm quite confident that none of us ever go out and not do something which we weren't particularly happy with.

So it's not an entirely negative thread, I thought it would be good if we could also post a solution - what we should have done in that situation. It will also give others a chance to mention their own experiences of a situation - hopefully making the 'sinner' feel less bad!

You can tell that I'm just digging for sympathy really, can't you? I'll start the ball rolling then...

Yesterday, driving towards Sheffield (can't remember which road exactly), we came to a crossroads. Lights were red on the approach, so slowed down and stopped at the line, handbrake & neutral as normal. Watched the traffic go by for a bit: saw the crossways traffic stopped and got the car ready to go (clutch, first, that sort of thing).

Light went amber, then green, and I proceeded as normal across the crossroads. Had one right turning in front of me - I would have normally had priority, so I slowed and waited for eye contact - car still moving though.

Got an angry beep and a hand signal from the right turning driver. Wondered why - I looked back, no-one following. Played the whole thing back in my mind...

...the green light was a right filter light. Damn! I'd shot the red light. I'm still kicking myself now! It didn't cause too much hassle, just that right turning one. Still, I feel ashamed about it, so I've posted it on here.

So, what could I have done better. Well, first thing is to probably not pull up right to the line. I'm quite a tall chap, and some traffic light arrangements are difficult to see from the line. And the second thing? Make sure it's your light...!

The whole thing is made more embarrassing when you consider I got my IAM membership confirmation through just the day before.


Anyone else got any motoring boo-boos?
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Postby MGF » Sun Jan 18, 2009 2:09 pm

Do you mean a green filter light in the shape of an arrow or just a green light for the filter lane?
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Postby Custom24 » Sun Jan 18, 2009 2:33 pm

I think this thread is an excellent idea! I was thinking of something similiar myself. We should learn from our mistakes, rather than berating ourselves for not achieving perfection.

I will post back later with some of my own "sins".
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Postby Oddball » Sun Jan 18, 2009 3:02 pm

MGF wrote:Do you mean a green filter light in the shape of an arrow or just a green light for the filter lane?

It was one with an arrow - I was looking at the wrong set of lights! :(
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Postby fungus » Sun Jan 18, 2009 6:16 pm

I did the same thing about 38 years ago in Bournemouth.

It was after midnight, and some mates and I were returning home after a night, nightclubbing. And before anyone suggests that I'd been drinking, no I hadn't, we had an arrangement that the driver didn't drink. Anyway we were at a large light controlled junction with red showing. We were probably chatting away and not paying too much attention, when I saw the lights change to green, and off I went. I remember my mate in the front seat shouting, but it was too late, I was already half way over the junction. I had caught sight of the wrong set of lights. The angle of the lights to the right was such that it was possible to see them from the road I was in. Fortunately there were no other vehicles using the junction at the time. After that I made sure that I concentrated a bit more.

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Postby Sru_1980 » Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:19 pm

I made a right boo-boo today....driving on the A360 with my dad, (on the way to the football - we both support Salisbury FC) up a bit of an incline on a slightly dodgy stretch - trees either side, and visibility poor. I was doing about 50ish, (limit 60mph) came round a bend, and there were several cyclists, and oncoming cars. Had to brake a bit sharpish :oops: and move out past the cyclists without hitting anything!!

Definitely pulled me up short, and I know I should have been in maybe 4th gear (or even 3rd) and been anticipating what could be around the next corner....hopefully won't be making that mistake again!
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Postby Oddball » Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:59 pm

I know exactly the situation! I guess you can be safe in the knowledge that you took heed of it though - and didn't just drive on thinking you'd done nothing untoward. You've identified the problem, and have learnt from it.

PS I know the road in question - lots of situations like that. Perhaps drive the road again and think about it every time? What's the worst thing that could be around that bend?

All of this, I'm sure, you know.

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Postby Jasp » Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:18 pm

Oddball wrote:...the green light was a right filter light. Damn! I'd shot the red light.

I've seen other people do this.

I was going to start a thread titled:
Amber = Stop, Red+Amber = Stop

So many people GO on Red+Amber that they often miss the important filter light. There's a set of lights near me at a T junction, where the junction of the side road has a set of lights on the left for those turning left, and a set of lights on the right for those turning right (two lanes). They often change at the same time, but usually are signalled independently.
When I'm sitting on the road on the left arm of the T, the main road, waiting to turn right into the side road (again with an independent light for right turning traffic), I'm cautious when I get my right turn light because at the same time the other junction gets its green light for turning left, and there is often people waiting to turn right who lunge forward when they see Red+Amber and the other lane moving before realising it isn't for them and one guy who just drove straight across the front of me oblivious to the fact he'd jumped a red light.
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