NIP - Help!

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Postby pooks » Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:38 am

Hi All,

Just found this forum and it looks great, hope you can help!

I drive hundreds of miles most days for work, i get annoyed by other people and im working on that.

The other day, someone cut me up so badly that it almost caused me to crash into the barrier, for a moment, i lost my head and acted in a stupid manner.. and i really regretted it later on that day when i calmed down.

I do not normally act like that or do things wrong!

Anyway, a week went by and i had forgotton all about it, putting it down as "one of those things".. and then my boss got a Notice of intended Prosecution! so he has passed them my details and i am waiting for my letter in the post.

I'm really panicing, my wife and i are trying for a child, my whole job and career rely on me driving.

The question is, would i get this notice if the other driver reported me? What are the chances of being proseucted for dangerous driving? If a police officer was there, they they would of pulled me over? Do you get these NIPs if someone makes a formal complaint?

HELPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock:
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Postby martine » Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:10 pm


I'm sure others with more experience of 'the law' will comment here soon - but NIPs can be issued for speeding or traffic light offences. What does it say on the form? What's the offence?

You said you did something stupid...

In the meantime perhaps you need a bit of anger management? Driving a car is not the place to take out frustrations even if someone does something dangerous in front of you. Imagine the other driver was your would you react then?
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Postby WhiskyDelta » Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:12 pm

Someone has made a complaint to the Police in relation to something you did whilst you were driving your vehicle, i.e dangerous driving/driving without due care or inconsiderate driving in relation to this incident. Once the Police have taken a statement from the other party/parties you will be interviewed. The Notice of Intended Prosecution has to be served within a statutory time limit. I am not going to go into the 14 day thing. That has been done on many forums and gets quite boring.

If there is a contact number on the NIP see if you can bring the interview forward and get it sorted out. Only you know what you did and how it affected others.

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Postby Horse » Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:12 pm

pooks wrote: .. and then my boss got a Notice of intended Prosecution! so he has passed them my details and i am waiting for my letter in the post.

proseucted for dangerous driving?

Does it actually say DD?

I'm not police or legal eagle - but that's a fairly hefty offence to carry forward without some form of evidence.

Before you talk to police - or anyone, even this forum - you need sound legal advice.

Simplest might be from AA etc. membership if they have a legal advice line. Or you may something through home insurance.

If not - perhaps as well as - get professional legal advice. If your career relies on your licence, you need to sort it soon.
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Postby MAG man » Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:42 am

I had a NIP for something that never actually happened. I phoned the number on the NIP letter and they gave me more information over the phone. Four weeks later it was dropped due to lack of evidence.
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Postby Red Herring » Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:30 pm

As has been said don't panic over an NIP, as has also been said all it means is that an allegation has been made against the driver of that particular vehicle and procedure requires them to serve it on the driver/registered keeper within 14 days. The reason for the 14 days is simply to give the driver a chance of remembering the event and preparing their own account. In the meantime the police will investigate the complaint, perhaps speaking to witnesses and taking statements before contacting you for that account. If you know you have done something you shouldn't, and it sounds as if you do, then when they contact you get some legal advice before speaking with them. Whatever you do don't offer any explanation over the phone to whoever contacts you. If you are really hard up and can't afford a solicitor then insist on being interviewed at the police station, not at home. At the police station you are entitled to free legal advice.
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Postby michael769 » Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:34 am

Red Herring wrote:then when they contact you get some legal advice before speaking with them. Whatever you do don't offer any explanation over the phone to whoever contacts you. If you are really hard up and can't afford a solicitor then insist on being interviewed at the police station, not at home. At the police station you are entitled to free legal advice.

This is very wise advice, but I would add that if you have the means to pay, I would recommend using a solicitor that specialises in road traffic defence, especially if you fear that you may face a charge of careless or dangerous driving.
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