Anyone give parking lessons?

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Postby fungus » Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:58 pm

Tripple S wrote,
"26 feet was claimed in Triumph advertising, but I didn't think the Mini TC was all that bad."

From what I remember of my old 1966 Mini, it was not the easiest car in the world to park. What with 5.5Js and a small steering wheel, the steering was relatively heavy, and due to the transverse engine, the room availiable for steering was somewhat limited. Whereas the Triumph Herald seemed to turn on a sixpence, or at least the one that I drove did.

But then again, I suppose you could say that if you chav up an 848cc bog standard Mini to look like something that it's not, what do you expect? I remember the front wheel bearings taking a pounding. But that was all a long time ago. Hopefully I've grown up a bit since those days, although my wife does sometimes wonder. :lol:

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Postby Sru_1980 » Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:23 am

Aaagh, soz peeps (Nick!) but am I the only one who thought it looked like ample space to park in??! Not bragging, but I reckon I could have parked easily in that space. Having said that, I've had at least three uh, encounters with car park pillars in multi-storey car parks, so I needn't talk!

I think parallel parking is one of those things, you either get it right first time, or make a complete pigs ear of it - well, I do, anyway!
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