How to recruit associates to the IAM/ROSPA

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Postby nuster100 » Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:08 pm

MrToad wrote:I agree that 'interesting' cars would attract more attention at events, but I think they could be counter-productive on a demo.

Could an inexperienced person tell how much is the driver's skill, and how much is down to the car? It'd be all too easy for them to say 'ah yes, but if my car was that good I could drive like that too'.

Producing a sparkling drive from unexceptional machinery might make the point more clearly.

Maybe, but I dont think it would break the flat-cap image the groups have.

For that your going to need some eye candy.

The one issue I was worried about was that they would try and copy what was seen on a demo drive (bold possitioning and such) but that has not happened so far.

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Postby ScoobyChris » Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:31 pm

nuster100 wrote:For that your going to need some eye candy.

I'm not sure that's the first phrase that springs to mind when I think of a rather discrete Mitsubishi estate :P

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Postby nuster100 » Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:46 pm

ScoobyChris wrote:
nuster100 wrote:For that your going to need some eye candy.

I'm not sure that's the first phrase that springs to mind when I think of a rather discrete Mitsubishi estate :P


Lol, you normally get other phrases muttured when I put my boot down for the 1st time.

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Postby waremark » Wed Aug 19, 2009 4:52 pm

MrToad wrote:Producing a sparkling drive from unexceptional machinery ......

Like a certain Mr Toad, indeed.

However, I have found in the past that allowing people to drive my car sometimes illustrates that it is not all down to the car.
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Postby jont » Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:07 pm

waremark wrote:However, I have found in the past that allowing people to drive my car sometimes illustrates that it is not all down to the car.

And indeed it can be rather humbling when someone else hops into your car and drives it rather better than you can :lol:
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Postby Gerald » Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:00 pm

There needs to be a re-shuffling of the "powers that be" in advanced driving. Lets have a well-known person promoting the organisations who can really communicate with young people.
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Postby martine » Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:16 pm

Gerald wrote:There needs to be a re-shuffling of the "powers that be" in advanced driving. Lets have a well-known person promoting the organisations who can really communicate with young people.

IAM almost had it when they appointed Nigel Mansell as President...problem is although much respected in the F1 community and the general public, most youngster say Nigel who?

Who would you suggest Gerald and would they have to have a genuine interest in AD or just be a popular figure?
Martin - Bristol IAM: IMI National Observer and Group Secretary, DSA: ADI, Fleet, RoSPA (Dip)
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Postby Gerald » Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:21 am

How about getting the BBC on board, and allowing young drivers who have passed IAM/RoSPA preferential access to the Top Gear studio audience (Yes - I know Clarkson is anti-IAM...)

Why not sell the advanced courses with a compulsory 2-hour stint of skidpan training? This could raise interest if videos made it onto national TV...

Work with magazines such "Fast Car" and allow advanced drivers the chance to show off their cars in print....

As for a frontman - why not someone like Lewis Hamilton?
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Postby martine » Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:57 pm

Gerald wrote:How about getting the BBC on board, and allowing young drivers who have passed IAM/RoSPA preferential access to the Top Gear studio audience (Yes - I know Clarkson is anti-IAM...)

Despite Clarkson taking and passing the IAM test sometime ago, it doesn't suit his image to be's family entertainment and his sarcasm is his trade mark. More likely to be successful with other car shows I'd have thought.

Gerald wrote:Why not sell the advanced courses with a compulsory 2-hour stint of skidpan training?

Interesting you should say that...Chorley IAM group did just that...see - they had 62 associates sign up in 4 days.

Gerald wrote:Work with magazines such "Fast Car" and allow advanced drivers the chance to show off their cars in print....
The IAM developed a relationship with Max Power magazine and tried to promote IAM courses called 'Max Driver' in conjunction with the mag. To say it wasn't a success would be a slight understatement :roll:

Gerald wrote:As for a frontman - why not someone like Lewis Hamilton?

Yes indeed...perhaps his dad would be a good candidate to take an IAM course after his very public crunch last year!
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Postby TripleS » Sat Aug 22, 2009 5:55 pm

martine wrote:
Gerald wrote:As for a frontman - why not someone like Lewis Hamilton?

Yes indeed...perhaps his dad would be a good candidate to take an IAM course after his very public crunch last year!

Oh please don't give that man any more publicity. I get fed up of seeing him strutting about the F1 pit area!

The thing about the Chorley IAM initiative was interesting though; but I wonder how beneficial it will be overall. I mean, have those people signed up for the right reasons, or is the prospect of fun and games on the skid pan influencing them too much? There still seems to be the fear that getting people involved in skid pan sessions may lead to them getting too adventurous on the road subsequently. Maybe doing it through the IAM will largely negate that risk; let us hope so.

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Postby martine » Sun Aug 23, 2009 7:35 am

TripleS wrote:The thing about the Chorley IAM initiative was interesting though; but I wonder how beneficial it will be overall. I mean, have those people signed up for the right reasons, or is the prospect of fun and games on the skid pan influencing them too much? There still seems to be the fear that getting people involved in skid pan sessions may lead to them getting too adventurous on the road subsequently. Maybe doing it through the IAM will largely negate that risk; let us hope so.

Can't win can we!
Martin - Bristol IAM: IMI National Observer and Group Secretary, DSA: ADI, Fleet, RoSPA (Dip)
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Postby TripleS » Sun Aug 23, 2009 11:49 am

martine wrote:
TripleS wrote:The thing about the Chorley IAM initiative was interesting though; but I wonder how beneficial it will be overall. I mean, have those people signed up for the right reasons, or is the prospect of fun and games on the skid pan influencing them too much? There still seems to be the fear that getting people involved in skid pan sessions may lead to them getting too adventurous on the road subsequently. Maybe doing it through the IAM will largely negate that risk; let us hope so.

Can't win can we!

Oh I hope you can, when the right sort of initiatives are being taken. I was merely speculating on what the overall result might be. Criticism was not intended.

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