Mini roundabout confusion

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Postby fungus » Thu Dec 24, 2009 4:43 pm

Although it is now not advised in the Highway Code to do U turns on a mini roundabout, (the DfT don't live in the real world), as ROG said, control the speed of the vehicle behind. Keep it slow. If space allows, ie. nothing to your left, it is usefull to take a slightly wider arc than you would if just turning right, although in all probability your turning circle would not be sufficiently tight to do otherwise. This, along with your slower speed, should allert a waiting driver to the fact that you are going full circle, although I wouldn't bank on it. :roll:
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Postby x-Sonia-x » Sat Dec 26, 2009 9:35 pm

This particular mini roundabout, the traffic coming from the right hand turn-off, the road itself is a long bend rather than a corner, which makes a 'U' turn quite difficult, and its a 40mph road, so traffic tends to keep moving. Next time I do it, I will slow down a lil earlier and hope this makes a difference :wink:
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Postby GJD » Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:37 am

fungus wrote:If space allows, ie. nothing to your left, it is usefull to take a slightly wider arc than you would if just turning right, although in all probability your turning circle would not be sufficiently tight to do otherwise. This, along with your slower speed, should allert a waiting driver to the fact that you are going full circle, although I wouldn't bank on it. :roll:

Indeed. If you've taken a wider arc and there is a left or straight ahead option on the roundabout, a following driver might just assume you are going that way and come past on the right. They shouldn't do if you are signalling right, but worth watching out for. I have heard it suggested that you could use a hand signal to emphasise the indicator. Could be worth considering, but then if someone doesn't believe and comes past anyway you they'll clout your right arm before your wing mirror.

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Postby 7db » Sun Dec 27, 2009 12:06 pm

You could stop prior to entry to force him to stop.
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Postby fungus » Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:29 pm

[quote="7db"]You could stop prior to entry to force him to stop.[/quote]

That could risk being rear ended if the approach roads, and roundabout is empty though.
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Postby TripleS » Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:05 pm

fungus wrote:
7db wrote:You could stop prior to entry to force him to stop.

That could risk being rear ended if the approach roads, and roundabout is empty though.

If you take sufficient care over the manner in which you control the speed of the following vehicle, that risk can be pretty well eliminated, I'd say. You sometimes have to be a bit obstructive, or at least assertive: e.g. "Look, guys, we're going to do it this way. Thanks for your co-operation."

That approach is easy for me, cos I don't care what other road users think as long as I get away with what I want to do. ;)

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Postby x-Sonia-x » Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:24 pm

TripleS wrote:That approach is easy for me, cos I don't care what other road users think as long as I get away with what I want to do.

I agree long as its legal :wink:

You know I drove down that same route today, the people carrier infront of me did a U turn on this mini roundabout aswell. The peugeot coming out of the right hand bend...wasnt going to stop...but did inches away from him and he was more than halfway over the giveway line, so just avoided a collison :mrgreen: . I wonder why in circumstances like this why isnt there traffic lights??? Im sure there must of been loads of minor collisions on this particular one :twisted:
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Postby Big Err » Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:15 am

fungus wrote:Most of the officials have beards, wear anoraks, don't have a driving licence, and ride bicycles. :lol:

I trust the minority of the ones who do have a licence are the ones who take advanced driving tests and drive Morgans too? :lol:
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Postby ROG » Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:46 am

x-Sonia-x wrote:You know I drove down that same route today, the people carrier infront of me did a U turn on this mini roundabout aswell. The peugeot coming out of the right hand bend...wasnt going to stop...but did inches away from him and he was more than halfway over the giveway line, so just avoided a collison

Was the people carrier prepared to stop or did it just seem to say - my right of way. you stop - in which case it did not consider what the peugeot driver might think.
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Postby x-Sonia-x » Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:04 pm

ROG wrote:
x-Sonia-x wrote:You know I drove down that same route today, the people carrier infront of me did a U turn on this mini roundabout aswell. The peugeot coming out of the right hand bend...wasnt going to stop...but did inches away from him and he was more than halfway over the giveway line, so just avoided a collison

Was the people carrier prepared to stop or did it just seem to say - my right of way. you stop - in which case it did not consider what the peugeot driver might think.

The people carrier didnt take blind bit notice of anyone else, and didnt seem to care. For me, I always make sure that traffic coming onto roundabout are aware of what I want to do, but then I do pride myself on the fact that I am aware and try to anticipate what others might do when im driving. Something that was instilled on me early on by my ADi :D
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Postby bluerover75 » Sat Jan 02, 2010 1:36 am

First thing I would do is SACK the Instructor. He isn't up to scratch!!! Make an attempt to pass round the painted marking where possible. This could be determined by the type of vehicle you are in control of. Be aware that you "MAY NOT" have as much time to signal when leaving, so where you can you should, where it's tight, concentrate on the steering. Your instructor is not as efficient as he should be!! If he cann't get this right it throws up the question of what else is he leading you astray on !!!
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Postby ROG » Sat Jan 02, 2010 1:54 am

bluerover75 wrote:Be aware that you "MAY NOT" have as much time to signal when leaving

There is rarely, if ever, time to apply a leaving signal at a mini roundabout because the front wheels will already be at the exit by the time the signal is needed
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Postby x-Sonia-x » Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:53 pm

ROG wrote:
bluerover75 wrote:Be aware that you "MAY NOT" have as much time to signal when leaving

There is rarely, if ever, time to apply a leaving signal at a mini roundabout because the front wheels will already be at the exit by the time the signal is needed

This is exactly right. You need to keep the right signal going til you are inline or pass the traffic that are coming out of the right hand bend, by the time you reach this point you are already in your exit road :wink:
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