ADUK Newsletter: March 2010

Forum for general chat, news, blogs, humour, jokes etc.

Postby Darren » Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:26 am

The email newsletter is sent to approx 3,000 people and is a good way of communicating with people who don't read the site regularly.

We don't need full articles, just links to interesting content either here or elsewhere on the web.
It can be group (IAM, RosPA, ClubDriving etc) even information, anything within reason - whats going on in your group? This information can also be added to the calendar on the website.

Either post items in this thread, or preferably please send email to Image

If you are interested in doing regular points for the newsletter, the content is managed on Google Docs so it can be easily transferred later in the month for emailing. Send me a mail and I will include you on the collaborators list.

If you don't receive the newsletter and wish to do so, please use the "join" link above and you will be added to the list automatically. Using this link does not register you for the forum.

Copy of newsletter will be posted in the Members Only area.

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