questions from an oklahoman

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Postby trkkshotbry » Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:47 am


Thank you kindly for the invitation, when I make it over the pond ill be sure to hit up the message boards for a tour guide. The narrow roads are certainly a consideration but can't be much worse than the 1.5 lane gravel roads common to my home area ( rural oklahoma). The only movies I've seen set in England are some James Bond movies and Sean of the dead, oh and the Bourn conspiracy movies but I think those were set in continental europe weren't they?

I agree that driving at the limit on public roads is foolish and very discourteous. Have you read an article called "The pace." By Kieth Code? In a nutshell it says keep speeds at the limit on the long flat boring straight portions of road where any fool could go fast then just keep the speeds up in the twisty bits where rational speeds are more fun anyway. Its very good advice and I've earned a lot fewer citations since I began to follow it.

If any of you ever make it to Oklahoma give me a shout and ill show you around. We have everything from mountain roads to dessert wasteland. We have 2 racetracks within 2 hrs of of my home. Neither are world class but both are lots of fun.
Mans laws only apply to those who cannot afford to break them. The laws of physics are inviolate.
Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:11 am
Location: oklahoma USA


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