Driving must be raised to 18

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Postby zadocbrown » Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:16 pm

waremark wrote:I think the reason for not allowing learners on motorways is to protect other motorway traffic from hesitant driving by learners, rather than to protect learners from motorway traffic.

I think it is significant that the vision for motorways, when the rules were made, was very different from the reality today.

Speeds could legally be much higher while the capability of cars was lower.

Motorways seem to have been conceived as a kind of motoring utopia, and it's easy to see why they didn't want learners pootling along at 40mph and baulking other traffic.
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Postby hanse cronje » Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:31 pm

[quote="MGF"][The age at which licenced drivers can drive unsupervised - 17 - is set by the state. The state forbids anyone under 17 driving, even provisionally. .[/quote]

not true you can drive at 16 if you get higher level disability benefits

parental responsibilty is the key to safer driving of young people not raising an age, the stats from u17 cc bear this out
start young getting the parent involved
hanse cronje
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Postby ExadiNigel » Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:45 am

It was interesting following one of the days I came along to Castle Coombe as when I left the circuit I happened to be behind the father of one of the lads I sat in with during the day. We followed the road out to the dual carriageway leading to the M4. This road becomes single track and although vehicles are prevented from turning into the road at the D/C junction it isn't a one way road. I couldn't keep up with teh chap and I will usually drive a little quicker if I can keep sight of the car in front and still maintain a good gap - but no way could I keep up with him - bad example for his offspring - unless he was trying to demonstrate how to kill yourself? However, I was extremeley impressed with teh U17 CC and am sad that I've moved away and can no longer attend.
Ex - ADI & Fleet Trainer, RoADAR Diploma, National Standards Cycling Instructor, ex- Registered Assessor for BTEC in Driving Science, ex-Member RoADAR & IAM, Plymouth, ex - SAFED registered trainer
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