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PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:01 pm
by SeanP
Healthy interest... :twisted:

However, I find myself having to bite my tongue with conversations which usually start "Some prat just nearly took me out on a junction / roundabout / overtake etc. etc."... My usual response would be to assess the amount of observation they'd done ("Of course I saw him!"), and whether they'd altered their driving plan ("A what plan?") accordingly to the situation etc. ("Oh, you mean I should just drive everywhere at 30MPH, then!?") :roll:

Any 'advice', no matter how gently given increasingly falls on deaf ears. There's not point in preaching to the unconvinced :(

Hanging out here is really cool, though ;)

PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 12:17 am
by Sru_1980
jont wrote:
Sru_1980 wrote:Does anyone else here talk to their cars...?!

Talk to? No. Swear at.... :lol:

Aw, surely you give it a pat now and again....?! Ok, not insane, honest - but cars have feelings too, right...?? :shock:

PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 12:34 am
by jbsportstech
I think taking your driving serioulsy and trying to manage you level is risk shows a positive intelligent approach to what can be a dangerous activity.

Problem is alot of people drive but not well or safely and half hearten fatalistic approach has become the norm for most people.

When someone comes along and says if you change your mindset, look for danger manage your risk profile and concentrate you can keep yourself from the majority of danger. People think you are being anal to me it just makes good sense regardless of the fact I enjoy driving and I have been car mad since I began to speak as a 2-3 year old. I enjoy driving well and being more mechanically sympathetic to my cars.

To many people take life for granted!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:21 am
by waremark
jbsportstech wrote:When someone comes along and says if you change your mindset, look for danger manage your risk profile and concentrate you can keep yourself from the majority of danger. People think you are being anal to me it just makes good sense regardless of the fact I enjoy driving and I have been car mad since I began to speak as a 2-3 year old. I enjoy driving well and being more mechanically sympathetic to my cars.

Ah! So you are one of us geeks then.

Re: Are you an AD 'geek'?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:57 pm
by martine
OK time for me to answer my own question...yes I think I am an AD geek...the amount of time I spend here is pretty daming evidence in itself :wink: . I'd like to think I'm not obsessed but my family probably disagree :shock:

I certainly spend a lot of time either doing it: driving or observing or talking about it: group commitee meetings or thinking about it - but as yet I don't dream (or have AD nightmares!) yet...

As a follow on...has anyone had an adverse reaction from others when you reveal your AD interest?

Re: Are you an AD 'geek'?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:17 pm
by MikeG
martine wrote:As a follow on...has anyone had an adverse reaction from others when you reveal your AD interest?

Yeah, they think I'm aGEEK :lol:


Re: Are you an AD 'geek'?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 12:42 pm
by jbsportstech
Yes I ticked geek and proud of it :D :twisted:

Re: Are you an AD 'geek'?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:08 pm
by oxtondriver
At the moment I feel I just have a healthy intrest in AD, although my partner Hannah will argue otherwise.
She calls me a 'GEEK' when ever I talk about driving Which is very common these days.(And she laughs at me when I do commentary while im driving).

As time goes by and the more I get involved with advanced driving, then I can see myself developing into a fully fledged AD GEEK and to me, that would be no bad thing. There are a lot worse things you can be in life :lol:


Re: Are you an AD 'geek'?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:59 pm
by Octy_Ross
I talk to my car - she's called Karla (Kemba (wifes name) and Ross's lovely automobile :-) )

Yeah, I know, it's sad but it's our first marital car :-) and SWMBO wanted a name :-)

If someone (nasty) makes a comment like 'it's a bit gutless' (Dave!) I'll pat her on the dash board and tell her not to listen to them.

Anyway - I'm going to go over there ----> and get out more