Roadside clutter. One for Dave, (Tripple S).

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Postby TripleS » Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:27 pm

fungus wrote:7db wrote,
Guidance from DfT on countdown markers is that they should only be used where the limit change is obscured.

On the A354 between Salisbury & Blandford there is a change of speed limit from NSL to 30mph. The change is just out of sight around a fast right hand bend, and about 150yds. from the entrance to the village of Pimperne, which due to the hight of the hedges is not visible. There are no count down markers, and the first warning of a change is usualy the brake lights of the vehicles in front, as they round the bend and see the limit change. This is a classic case of the need for count down markers, but Dorset Highways Dept. does not seem to use them. The only one I know for in the county is on the A357 between Blandford & Stalbridge, approaching a blind summit.

I have noticed that Devon & Cornwall use them though.

Nigel ADI
IAM trainee observer

If I had my way we'd be using countdown markers rather more widely, where relevant to 30 mph limits, and getting rid of 40 mph buffer zones and a good deal of the other crap.

As far as signs in general are concerned, my guess is that good drivers don't need most of them, and the poorer driver don't see them anyhow! They are therefore largely redundant and a waste of money.

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Postby fungus » Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:47 pm

I agree whole heartedly Dave. There's far too many unneccessary markings and signs. What we need is to go back to the simple markings that we had in the 60s. The simpler things are the less confusing they become, and therefore surely, safer.

What gets me is the over use of hatched areas. We have a solid line hatched area marked where the left lane of a dual carriageway, (NSL), splits into two, about 2-3 car lengths from the give way line at a roundabout. This used to be on a test route, but the examiners expressed concern over this marking, and the route was changed. ADIs were split as to how to deal with it. Some, myself included, instructed pupils to drive through it if turning left, as they risked being undertaken and not being able to get into the left lane if they tried to avoid it. Others said that it was a solid lined area and you must not enter it. The highways authority admitted that it was a mistake and to drive through it, but it has just been re painted. :roll:

Their latest faux pas is the large green painted hatched area on a large roundabout. If you are turning right 3rd exit and keep to the right ( no lanes marked on the roundabout until about 15yds before you exit ), there is no way that you can avoid the hatched area. :roll:

Nigel ADI
IAM trainee observer
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