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Postby fungus » Fri Aug 28, 2009 9:02 pm

Horse wrote,

"Re: cadence braking, how many 'L' drivers are taught how to brake with ABS (I hail from an era when it was 'release if the brakes lock')?"

I would imagine 75-80 per cent of all vehicles used for teaching learners are fitted with ABS. There are still some older vehicles out there without though. I personally explain emergency braking for ABS & non ABS vehicles, but as my car has ABS that's what they practice. It's a pitty that ABS can't be dissabled, to give them the experience of both systems though.

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Postby jont » Fri Aug 28, 2009 9:12 pm

fungus wrote: It's a pitty that ABS can't be dissabled, to give them the experience of both systems though.

Some cars I've come across have a fuse specifically for the ABS system that can be removed - thus disabling the system. The dash electronics might wibble a bit :lol: I'm not sure what this would do to your insurance so might be best tried off road. Funnily enough the systems also seem to get confused by handbrake turns...
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