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Re: Advanced Driving Blog

PostPosted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 12:29 am
by MGF
Octy_Ross wrote:As it seems we're proof reading - I'll put my anal proofreader's cap on. It has an MG badge ;-)

You might like to master the basics before attempting the anal. :wink:

Re: Advanced Driving Blog

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:32 am
by Horse
Darren wrote:How about pooling resources and write material for aduk? The main site runs wordpress, so could add a few contributors.

As the blog's stayed quiet, is this happening instead?

Could be a useful tool for advertising the site, particularly if the posts could be in the 500 word size as they could then be added (with slight alterations to avoid spammig issues) to the free article sites - again linking back to AD.

. . . And could be given FOC to editors of club magazines in return for a link.

Re: Advanced Driving Blog

PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:15 pm
by Darren
Horse wrote:
Darren wrote:How about pooling resources and write material for aduk? The main site runs wordpress, so could add a few contributors.

As the blog's stayed quiet, is this happening instead?

Could be a useful tool for advertising the site, particularly if the posts could be in the 500 word size as they could then be added (with slight alterations to avoid spammig issues) to the free article sites - again linking back to AD.

. . . And could be given FOC to editors of club magazines in return for a link.

I haven't set anyone up as contributors on the main part of the site. But if people have interesting content they would like to have posted on the main site, as you say as 500 word posts that would be a really good idea and I agree with passing that content onto group / club magazines in return for a link.

Re: Advanced Driving Blog

PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:29 pm
by Horse
Darren wrote: But if people have interesting content they would like to have posted on the main site, as you say as 500 word posts that would be a really good idea and I agree with passing that content onto group / club magazines in return for a link.

Well, if you decide to go ahead with it, feel free to plunder my blog for content*, there's a few hundred assorted posts there ranging across 'rubbish' to 'road safety' (and even, in one case, where the two meet!).

But it might prove useful 'filler' on 'quiet news' days :)

* Caveats
If I've used other site content there will be a link or acknowledgement
Images - again with link or acknowledgement - may not be 'mine'. Any that are mine may be used - but check with me if unsure.
Spell check, proof read, etc.

Finally, could I have a backlink, please?

Re: Advanced Driving Blog

PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 10:17 am
by Horse
Horse wrote: But the hardest thing is putting the content there - I have a 'back catalogue' of ideas, text and pictures - but just not enough hours to do it, hence no recent posts.

Sorry to see that the OP's blog hasn't progressed.

However, this thread has stung my conscience so I've started to add content to mine again.

Re: Advanced Driving Blog

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 5:18 pm
by Horse
jbsportstech wrote:I have started an advanced driving blog with the hope of promoting the subject in a modern, fun and informative mannor.

Please take the time to visit and make the kind of quality post I see on here to help get it off the ground :D .

Been checking back occasionally, but no new posts or corrections.

Have you dumped the idea?