Grumpy Bus driver

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Postby TripleS » Fri Oct 23, 2009 2:25 pm

martine wrote:
ScoobyChris wrote:
martine wrote:Let me see now...we were passing a school at just gone 9am in a 20 limit and I was doing 20...what did I do wrong? :roll:

Wearing string-back driving gloves and pull-pushing? :P :lol:


It was at a traffic calming chicane...just here to be precise...,+Patchway,+Bristol,+Avon+BS34,+United+Kingdom&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=7.271304,16.479492&ie=UTF8&cd=8&geocode=FdlWEgMdkufY_w&split=0&t=k&hq=&hnear=Stoke+Ln,+Patchway,+Bristol,+Avon+BS34,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.524829,-2.553879&spn=0.000748,0.001714&z=19

PS I haven't got seat covers either.

I have - well just the one - and she's very pretty too. :)

OK, I got that from Smokey and the Bandit.

Best wishes all,
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Postby hir » Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:06 pm

martine wrote: I approached a chicane at 20 and a bus driver waiting the other way (I had priority) made an angry face at me and gesticulated to 'get on with it'.


When this happens to me I always remind myself that it's not personal; the bus driver is just being an idiot.

If it's safe to do so - make eye contact - smile sweetly - and give the bus driver a friendly wave (no irony intended). It'll make you feel better and make him feel like an idiot, which is what he is.

If it's not safe, and outside a school it might be better to keep both hands on the wheel, then just ignore it; after all said and done why waste time trying to placate an idiot.

The point I'm trying to make, though perhaps not forcibly enough, is that the bus driver was acting like
an idiot!!!
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Postby TripleS » Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:33 pm

hir wrote:
martine wrote: I approached a chicane at 20 and a bus driver waiting the other way (I had priority) made an angry face at me and gesticulated to 'get on with it'.


When this happens to me I always remind myself that it's not personal; the bus driver is just being an idiot.

If it's safe to do so - make eye contact - smile sweetly - and give the bus driver a friendly wave (no irony intended). It'll make you feel better and make him feel like an idiot, which is what he is.

If it's not safe, and outside a school it might be better to keep both hands on the wheel, then just ignore it; after all said and done why waste time trying to placate an idiot.

The point I'm trying to make, though perhaps not forcibly enough, is that the bus driver was acting like
an idiot!!!

Would "asshole" be an improvement?

....assuming we've not misunderstood the situation and misjudged the guy. I mean, it might have been Martin's fault all the time. ;)

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Postby martine » Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:39 pm

TripleS wrote:....assuming we've not misunderstood the situation and misjudged the guy. I mean, it might have been Martin's fault all the time. ;)

:D actually I do make plenty of mistakes driving (ask Gareth or Mr. Toad someday about mountains) but in this case...I really think I was in 'the right' and yes, the bus driver was being an arse (hole or not).
Martin - Bristol IAM: IMI National Observer and Group Secretary, DSA: ADI, Fleet, RoSPA (Dip)
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Postby hir » Sat Oct 24, 2009 11:57 am

TripleS wrote:
Would "asshole" be an improvement?

Best wishes all,


As you know, I'm far too polite to use such words ...I wouldn't want to drag myself down to the same level as the bus driver ...who, after all, was simply being an idiot!!! :roll: :wink:
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Postby ExadiNigel » Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:53 am

Octy_Ross wrote:By my understanding, this was at a 'traffic calming' 'pinch point' ?

In that case there would have been some signs around dictating who should give way ?

In this case, the bus is meant to have been giving way, whilst the driver is meant to be giving who had right of way?

Who had right of way? Absolutely no-one

Nigel :wink:
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Postby Octy_Ross » Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:28 pm

adiNigel wrote:
Who had right of way? Absolutely no-one

Nigel :wink:

I'm glad you cleared that up!!
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Postby MiniClubmanEstate » Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:01 pm

martine wrote:Grumpy bus driver is not exactly news I suppose (apologies to the bus drivers here) but this morning I was travelling past a school with a compulsory 20 limit and traffic calming. I approached a chicane at 20 and a bus driver waiting the other way (I had priority) made an angry face at me and gesticulated to 'get on with it'.

Let me see now...we were passing a school at just gone 9am in a 20 limit and I was doing 20...what did I do wrong? :roll:

Ignorant and selfish car driver is not exactly news I suppose (apologies to the car drivers here) but on Saturday afternoon I was traveling along the A8 heading for South Gyle in the nearside lane when a car driver emerging from a junction looked to his right, saw me approaching at 40Mph in a Toyota Optimo V (Salvador Catano) 22 seat coach (I had priority), then proceeded to pull into the path of the coach endangering 18 members of the public who were traveling aboard the rail replacement service, a car in the outer lane which was slowly over taking the coach presumably exceeding the speed limit as my tachograph recorder is 100% accurate, the emerging driver did not even show any acknowledgement of how I skilfully was able quickly execute and escape plan to avoid heavy braking which would have possibly injured some of my passengers.

Let me se now...We were traveling along a two lane carriageway subject to a 40Mph speed limit and I was doing 40Mph and the emerging car was behind a giveway double dotted line! :roll:

So my post will have no doubt have offended a number of car drivers, but what may confuse the issue is that I myself am a car driver. This post was made in response to a post which stereotypes bus drivers, I am not a bus driver however prior to becoming a coach driver I gained PCV driving experience as a bus driver.
The explanation for my post is put the point across that stereotyping groups of motorists creates a culture of discontent between the individuals who use the roads which inevitably leads to poor judgment, ignorance which on the roads will increase danger.
Now I would like to conclude this section of my post by pointing out that I have met some very professional, skilful and courteous bus drivers, some of which take such an interest in their driving that they have joined some advanced motoring and road safety organisations and remain committed to maintaining high standards of driving and professionalism. Interestingly I have met a few car drivers who have a similar interest in driving and road safety, there are probably a large number who read this forum.
So I would now like to cancel two statements "Grumpy bus driver is not exactly news"
"Ignorant and selfish car driver is not exactly news"
... and post my opinion of the situation regarding the unpleasantness of one bus driver. The traffic calming measure seems to promote discontent amongst motorists, this bus drivers attitude appears have displayed a great deal of ignorance and unprofessionalism, you would be well within you rights to forward a complaint to his employer if you were offended.

Best wishes.
Andrew: PCV, IAM Car
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