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Re: Mini roundabout confusion

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 7:48 pm
by waremark
It looks very unhelpful to have two lanes into a roundabout on which there is not room for two cars abreast.

Re: Mini roundabout confusion

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 9:53 pm
by Gareth
It could be argued that each of the right hand lanes direct traffic contrary to the mini-roundabout rules, but I think it could be as easily argued that once a car is in that position it is not possible to go around the painted blob, especially if there is traffic also using the left lane on the same approach.

To my mind, road layouts like this make a mockery of the updated wording, since it is unlikely that a normal driver would have the knowledge to carry out legally correct behaviour in differing circumstances, and as others have mentioned, they'd run the risk of significantly increased danger by attempting to do so.

Re: Mini roundabout confusion

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:18 pm
by x-Sonia-x
waremark wrote:It looks very unhelpful to have two lanes into a roundabout on which there is not room for two cars abreast.

I have just driven through town and gone through 3 mini roundabouts and every single one has 2 lanes on entry but only enough room for one car. Quite crazy really, and this is probably where the confusion arises and most of these roundabouts are tiny anyway. I dont see why the road markings are not just one lane regardless of which way you are turning, if there is not enough space for two cars why have two lanes on entry???? :?

Re: Mini roundabout confusion

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:43 pm
by GJD
Gareth wrote:To my mind, road layouts like this make a mockery of the updated wording

I guess it's possible that the road marking pre-date the new wording? I can think of a few mini roundabouts I know where the lane markings on approach don't cause a problem when drivers apply the correct priority rules but don't necessarily strive to always drive around rather than over the central area.

If the old rules allowed that, and the lane markings were never altered when the law changed, perhaps that could explain the anomaly.

Re: Mini roundabout confusion

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:05 pm
by TripleS
******* rule makers that really don't know what they're doing!! I ignore 'em, and try to do what seems right on the relation to what my fellow road users are doing....or trying to do. That's what really matters....and balls to the rulemakers. :evil:

Best wishes all,

Re: Mini roundabout confusion

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:51 pm
by hir
TripleS wrote:******* rule makers that really don't know what they're doing!! I ignore 'em, and try to do what seems right on the relation to what my fellow road users are doing....or trying to do. That's what really matters....and balls to the rulemakers. :evil:

Best wishes all,

Dave, an admirable sentiment. I'm a great believer in the adage...Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the blind obedience of fools.

Unfortunately, the "rule makers" have given pieces of paper, known as Fixed Penalty Notices, to Hertfordshire police, who then use them at the mini-roundabout outside our local Sainsburys to ticket hapless members of the public, especially people like you Dave, who happen to ignore central roundels at mini-roundabouts. You really would think that the police had got better things to do, like filling out forms in triplicate or risk analysis reports or some other really worthwhile activity.

The Hertfordshire police message is a simple one...Dave, stay away from Hertfordshire if you are a criminal, especially a criminal like you who says ...and balls to the rulemakers :lol:

Re: Mini roundabout confusion

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:27 pm
by TripleS
hir wrote:
TripleS wrote:******* rule makers that really don't know what they're doing!! I ignore 'em, and try to do what seems right on the relation to what my fellow road users are doing....or trying to do. That's what really matters....and balls to the rulemakers. :evil:

Best wishes all,

Dave, an admirable sentiment. I'm a great believer in the adage...Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the blind obedience of fools.

Unfortunately, the "rule makers" have given pieces of paper, known as Fixed Penalty Notices, to Hertfordshire police, who then use them at the mini-roundabout outside our local Sainsburys to ticket hapless members of the public, especially people like you Dave, who happen to ignore central roundels at mini-roundabouts. You really would think that the police had got better things to do, like filling out forms in triplicate or risk analysis reports or some other really worthwhile activity.

The Hertfordshire police message is a simple one...Dave, stay away from Hertfordshire if you are a criminal, especially a criminal like you who says ...and balls to the rulemakers :lol:

Yes, I realise that my stance is not entirely satisfactory in all respects, but it is what it is, and it ain't going to change much now. All I can do is hope not to get penalised too heavily for doing what I believe is reasonable - even if it contravenes the rules now and again.

I have a great deal of sympathy for rank and file police officers, most of whom would probably prefer to be feeling the collars of real troublemakers, rather than nicking normal decent perople for offences that really don't matter (and shouldn't even be offences) but they have to operate in accordance with what the polititicians and their senior officers dictate. The fact that these people are focussed on the wrong objectives is not the fault of those in the front line; it merely adds to their problems and frustrations. It's all a bit sad really.

Best wishes all,

Re: Mini roundabout confusion

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:44 pm
by x-Sonia-x
TripleS wrote:******* rule makers that really don't know what they're doing!! I ignore 'em, and try to do what seems right on the relation to what my fellow road users are doing....or trying to do. That's what really matters....and balls to the rulemakers. :evil:

Best wishes all,

Dave thats sooooo funny! When I was first told you could get 3 points - 3 WHOLE points - just for touching the white paint I was flabbergasted :shock: :shock: . Makes you wonder who actually decided 2 make it an offence in the first place :twisted: :twisted:

Re: Mini roundabout confusion

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 9:10 pm
by fungus
TripleS wrote,

[quote]Yes, I realise that my stance is not entirely satisfactory in all respects, but it is what it is, and it ain't going to change much now. All I can do is hope not to get penalised too heavily for doing what I believe is reasonable - even if it contravenes the rules now and again.

I have a great deal of sympathy for rank and file police officers, most of whom would probably prefer to be feeling the collars of real troublemakers, rather than nicking normal decent perople for offences that really don't matter (and shouldn't even be offences) but they have to operate in accordance with what the polititicians and their senior officers dictate. The fact that these people are focussed on the wrong objectives is not the fault of those in the front line; it merely adds to their problems and frustrations. It's all a bit sad really.

Best wishes all,
[quote="hir"][quote="TripleS"]******* rule makers that really don't know what they're doing!! I ignore 'em, and try to do what seems right on the relation to what my fellow road users are doing....or trying to do. That's what really matters....and balls to the rulemakers. :evil:

Best wishes all,

Dave, an admirable sentiment. I'm a great believer in the adage...[i]Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the blind obedience of fools.[/i]

Unfortunately, the "rule makers" have given pieces of paper, known as Fixed Penalty Notices, to Hertfordshire police, who then use them at the mini-roundabout outside our local Sainsburys to ticket hapless members of the public, especially people like you Dave, who happen to ignore central roundels at mini-roundabouts. You really would think that the police had got better things to do, like filling out forms in triplicate or risk analysis reports or some other really worthwhile activity.

The Hertfordshire police message is a simple one...[i]Dave, stay away from Hertfordshire if you are a criminal, especially a criminal like you who says ...and balls to the rulemakers[/i] :lol:[/quote]

Yes, I realise that my stance is not entirely satisfactory in all respects, but it is what it is, and it ain't going to change much now. All I can do is hope not to get penalised too heavily for doing what I believe is reasonable - even if it contravenes the rules now and again.

I have a great deal of sympathy for rank and file police officers, most of whom would probably prefer to be feeling the collars of [b]real[/b] troublemakers, rather than nicking normal decent perople for offences that really don't matter (and [b]shouldn't even be[/b] offences) but they have to operate in accordance with what the polititicians and their senior officers dictate. The fact that these people are focussed on the wrong objectives is not the fault of those in the front line; it merely adds to their problems and frustrations. It's all a bit sad really.

Best wishes all,

Well said that man.

On the Somerset Dorset borders there was a T junction where each road was marked with Give Way lines but no roundabout. The roads in question were minor roads and visibility from the road at 90 degrees was not very good. This arrangement seemed to work perfectly well as it slowed the traffic on what would normaly be the priority road, and made emerging from the other road safer, drivers giving way to the right as they would if it had been a roundabout, but without having to negotiate a roundall. It's many years since I have driven this road. No doubt there is now a mini roundabout on this junction. :roll:

Re: Mini roundabout confusion

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:15 pm
by crr003
fungus wrote:Fungus tried to quote stuff

Still not got the quoting thing working? Maybe it's your computer?

Re: Mini roundabout confusion

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 8:39 pm
by fungus
crr003 wrote

[quote]fungus wrote:
Fungus tried to quote stuff

Still not got the quoting thing working? Maybe it's your computer?[/quote]

I don't think it's my computer. I think it's me being rather technophobic. I still struggle with using the DVD recorder after about three years. Although in fairness to myself, I watch very little TV, so therefor have very little use for the wretched thing.

When quoting I highlight what I wish to copy. Then press Ctrl & C. Type in my post. Press Quote. Then insert the quote by pressing ctrl & V, and the above is the result.

Re: Mini roundabout confusion

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:10 pm
by crr003
fungus wrote:When quoting I highlight what I wish to copy. Then press Ctrl & C. Type in my post. Press Quote. Then insert the quote by pressing ctrl & V, and the above is the result.

Try pressing "Quote" first.
This will then give you the complete message, with the correct opening and end tags (is that the correct word!?). Then you can easily delete out what's irrelevant to highlight a certain bit if required.
Then type your comments after the end [/quote] tag thing. :)
Just make sure you leave the start {quote="username"} and end {/quote} in place; but use [ and ] brackets instead of { and } :)

Re: Mini roundabout confusion

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 2:41 pm
by ROG
There is another way...

When you have the text pane open to do a reply in a thread the other posts are below it - just scoll down and you'll see them.

If you highlight what another has written (or part of what they wrote) and then click the quote tab within their post that quote with their username will appear in the text pane you are writing in.

That quote will start from where you left the cursor in the text pane.

Re: Mini roundabout confusion

PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:37 pm
by Mr Cholmondeley-Warner
ROG wrote:There is another way...

When you have the text pane open to do a reply in a thread the other posts are below it - just scoll down and you'll see them.

If you highlight what another has written (or part of what they wrote) and then click the quote tab within their post that quote with their username will appear in the text pane you are writing in.

That quote will start from where you left the cursor in the text pane.

That's a very handy tip, Rog.

The main trouble people have with quote on this forum is that this software insists on the author's name being part of the opening tag inside quotation marks - so for me it would be (remove spaces) [ quote="Mr Cholmondeley-Warner" ]

Re: Mini roundabout confusion

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:00 am
by MGF
The requirement to go round the paint has been around since at least the 1994 regs. The 2002 regs introduced the exceptions of it being 'impracticable' to do so due to the size of vehicle or the layout of the junction. If the arrows direct you over the paint I see no reason why you shouldn't drive over as much as is necessary to avoid traffic in the other lanes.