Calling TripleS

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Postby waremark » Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:36 pm

TripleS wrote:Agreed. There is still no sign of any party unveiling the sort of policies I want to be hearing about, and there isn't much time left, so I'm still in the 'unlikely to vote' camp and, regrettably, likely to remain there.

There is only one party which can replace the current government which has exercised both bad judgement and bad management in relation to virtually every issue which they have addressed. Whether or not that party (Dave and friends) inspire you with great confidence, surely you have to give them a go just because they are not the current lot!
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Postby Mr Cholmondeley-Warner » Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:03 pm

Ah, the old "pendulum theory" :) Vote for the other lot because they're not the current lot.

Wait 10 years

Vote for the other lot because they're not the current lot ...

Wait 10 years

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Postby jont » Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:07 pm

waremark wrote:There is only one party which can replace the current government which has exercised both bad judgement and bad management in relation to virtually every issue which they have addressed. Whether or not that party (Dave and friends) inspire you with great confidence, surely you have to give them a go just because they are not the current lot!

Isn't that how we end up in this screwed up mess where it's more a case of people voting against the incumbents than voting for a party that you actually want to govern? (Thus increasing voter apathy and disaffection with the whole political system). At the last election, IIRC only around 25% of the country actually voted in favour of the current government. Unfortunately all the incumbents realise that any change in the system that increased the democratic voice and made voting mandatory would reduce the amount of power and control they have, so while we allow "career" politicians to run the country, it's not going to change :cry:
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Postby Gromit37 » Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:17 pm

Unfortunately there are not many viable alternatives to the current lot, or the 'other' lot. I wouldn't trust any of them to actually plan beyond the next four years.
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Postby jont » Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:33 pm

Gromit37 wrote:I wouldn't trust any of them to actually plan beyond the 6th May

/efa :evil:
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Postby TripleS » Mon Mar 29, 2010 7:52 pm

If, by the other lot, Mark means the Conservatives, I've been giving them a go ever since 1964, so I think I've done my duty in terms of using my vote. The Conservatives have had my vote every time, but just for a change I now want to be able to vote for a party with policies that I actually want, and at the moment the Conservatives are not yet looking sufficiently appealing. I've had enough of merely trying to keep the worst bunch out of office.

Given that the existing electoral system seems not to be giving satisfactory results, does anybody else have the feeling that before too long we might have policies determined more by direct action by groups of people, rather than by the electorate as a whole via the ballot box?

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Postby fungus » Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:23 pm

TripleS wrote:Given that the existing electoral system seems not to be giving satisfactory results, does anybody else have the feeling that before too long we might have policies determined more by direct action by groups of people, rather than by the electorate as a whole via the ballot box?

I'm afraid I have to agree with you there Dave. The exception being if you're a pro-motoring group. :cry:
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Postby jont » Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:35 pm

TripleS wrote:Given that the existing electoral system seems not to be giving satisfactory results, does anybody else have the feeling that before too long we might have policies determined more by direct action by groups of people, rather than by the electorate as a whole via the ballot box?

You mean terrorists? ('cos let's face it, it seems increasingly likely whatever you regard yourself as, that's how the government will treat you if you don't want to join their overarching, centrally-dictated-to, blindly conforming and obeying citizenry)
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Postby zadocbrown » Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:43 pm

I know where my political allegiances lie. But I think a hung parliament followed by implementation of proportional representation (in some form) might do a lot of good for the country. The big 2 are really too powerful, too predictable and too similar. I'd like to see the smaller parties having more influence. At the moment it's just tweedle dee, tweedle dum or the other lot, and has been for too long.
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Postby Mr Cholmondeley-Warner » Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:36 pm

zadocbrown wrote:I think a hung parliament followed by implementation of proportional representation (in some form)

Ah, so a hung parliament in perpetuity, then :P
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Postby Gromit37 » Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:42 pm

How about a hanging parliament? A large gallows in Trafalgar Square, a national phone vote for the politicians you want to see on it, and charge £10 per person for tickets to watch. Clear up the corruption and reduce the national debt in one foul swoop! :twisted:

Or is that a bit too radical? Oh well, back to the monster raving loony party then :wink:
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Postby TripleS » Tue Apr 06, 2010 10:44 pm

Well would you believe it!

I now appear to be shut out of PistonHeads. Possibly my post at 1405 today did it, unless it is pure coincidence and some unrelated technical problem caused it. Ah well, it leaves me more time to do something useful elsewhere......or plague you lot a bit more. :)

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Postby waremark » Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:42 am

TripleS wrote:Well would you believe it!

I now appear to be shut out of PistonHeads. Possibly my post at 1405 today did it ...

Making trouble again, young man? What did you post?
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Postby TripleS » Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:33 am

waremark wrote:
TripleS wrote:Well would you believe it!

I now appear to be shut out of PistonHeads. Possibly my post at 1405 today did it ...

Making trouble again, young man? What did you post?

In the topic about SPECS on EVERY road, somebody complained about my four word signing off style, to which I replied in an amiable fashion. Flemke then supported me, which was nice, and I acknowledged that.

Somebody else then commented along the lines that if the moderators allow it, he had no cause to complain.

I then said: "If the moderators were to interfere with my signing off style, that would mark the end of my days with PistonHeads."

Maybe that offended the moderators, and they then chose to exercise their authority. It all seems a bit daft to me, but I don't really know what's going on.

As a separate matter, I was disappointed to lose my TripleS username on PH, albeit quite a long time ago now, and I've asked a time or two what happened, and requested that it be restored if possible. Nobody has even acknowledged my question, let alone offered any explanation or prospect of my preferred username being re-activated.

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Postby mitchr » Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:23 pm

TripleS wrote:
In the topic about SPECS on EVERY road, somebody complained about my four word signing off style, to which I replied in an amiable fashion. Flemke then supported me, which was nice, and I acknowledged that.

Somebody else then commented along the lines that if the moderators allow it, he had no cause to complain.

I then said: "If the moderators were to interfere with my signing off style, that would mark the end of my days with PistonHeads."

Ahh you've got to love forum's :) It certainly helps to have a sense of humour when you use them but so many people these days seem to have gone for a sense of humour bypass. I don't use PH as find this forum's format better so I've not seen your signing off style. Was it four words or a four letter word :)
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