The next evolution - BMW emergency stop assistant

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Postby TripleS » Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:05 pm

jont wrote:
TripleS wrote:
Jemma wrote:I am a member of IAM and went for a drive with another member last year who was showing me the many gadgets of his car, matching his speed to the car in front on the motorway for example....

You mean his car had a device that monitored the distance to the car in front, and prevented him from tailgating etc? I didn't realise the toy department had progressed that far. Still, I don't suppose an IAM member should need an anti-tailgating device. Von is the chap who's more likely to break the two second rule. ;)

Merc have had auto-distance cruise control for a few years in their top models. I think Jaguar may have something similar now? Basically it slows you down when it detects something in the lane ahead, then when clear accelerates back to your pre-set cruising speed. I think they're radar based.

Thank you, Jon. Now you mention it I do now recall hearing about the system as a technical possibility: but I didn't realise it had appeared on any production cars.

Best wishes all,
Dave - behind the times as usual. :roll:
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Postby jcochrane » Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:16 pm

I was recently in a Range Rover with something similar. The owner, sitting in the passenger seat, fiddled with some controls and then said "Don't brake" as cars ahead slowed for a roundabout. Nearly s..t my myself before thankfully the car did slow down on its own. :)
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