Picture help

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Postby Rhys » Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:13 pm

Looks like you've got it cracked now.

I use an old version of photoshop I've had since college, not sure whether elements does it as well as I've never loaded mine up (you can get elements bundled with scanners etc. which how I got it) It lets you resize to whatever size you want - as well as change the dpi, usualy 72 dpi is enough. Then you can use the save to web option so you can specify the file size you want (usufull if you have limited upload capacity on a forum etc.)

If you want anything resizing (until you find some software - computer mags may have something on their bundled DVD/CD's) I'm sure Nigel won't mind sending it to me and I can change it and email it back.
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Joined: Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:48 pm
Location: York


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