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PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:27 am
by ROG
MGF wrote:I recall discussing this extensively on the IAM forum and doing a lot of reading on this. I came to the conclusion that it is most likely that a roundabout is a single carriageway (one-way) and so subject to the SC limit.

In reality, it is unlikely that the lower SC limit could be reached whilst negotiating a roundabout in most cases.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:55 am
by jont
ROG wrote:In reality, it is unlikely that the lower SC limit could be reached whilst negotiating a roundabout in most cases.

I would agree in the case of an HGV, but I'd suggest you haven't been out in a Caterham/Elise etc have you? :twisted:

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:47 am
by ROG
jont wrote:
ROG wrote:In reality, it is unlikely that the lower SC limit could be reached whilst negotiating a roundabout in most cases.

I would agree in the case of an HGV, but I'd suggest you haven't been out in a Caterham/Elise etc have you? :twisted:

does a 97 Ferarri count :?:

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 6:00 pm
by Flexibase
1. Ref. Sammy's:

>'s clear from that document that B+E applies only to cars puling trailers over 750Kg. OK, so I can' t pull a caravan, but a small trailer full of garden rubbish for the tip, for example...

Not so - you are allowed to tow a larger trailer if the car+trailer does not exceed 3,500kgm.

2. I agree with another that the quoted Law is confusing, as traffic law often is when Acts refer to Regulations and there and many amendments.

However, to summarise, the Law does NOT appear to agree with DVLA's leaflet INF40*, from which I started this thread, so I now don't believe that the renewing of a driving licence before the age of 70 should lose C1 and D1 without a medical

I have now received an Email rom DVLA to that effect:

"BH 07.11.2008

Thank you for your email.

I can confirm that renewing the photograph on your licence does not affect the entitlements unless the driver has reached the age of 70.


Mrs S Stephens

I have now therefore suggested that they amend the misleading leaflet INF40*.

* I intend to reproduce the relevent part of INF40 on a web page for all to see and will then let you know where...

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 8:48 pm
by MGF
I think you have confused yourself over 'renewing your photocard' and 'renewing your licence'

The latter is shorthand for 'renewing your entitlement to drive'

The leaflet sent out with the licence makes it clear that it is the photocard that expires after 10 years not the entitlement to drive. (Note no 4)

Once you overcome confusing 'renewing a photocard' with 'renewing a licence' it appears obvious enough.

Having said that, for those who do not read the notes that come with their licence they may well get confused (but then why would they be reading INF40?)

In that case perhaps the DVLA should spell it out for us by putting 'photocard valid to' rather than 'licence valid to'.

INF40 can be seen here and I believe the confusing part is the first non-bold type on page 3 "These arrangements will apply so long as your licence remains valid" Arguably this could mean 'licence' as in 'photocard' or 'licence' as in 'entitlement to drive'?

Flexibase wrote:1. Ref. Sammy's:

>'s clear from that document that B+E applies only to cars puling trailers over 750Kg. OK, so I can' t pull a caravan, but a small trailer full of garden rubbish for the tip, for example...

Not so - you are allowed to tow a larger trailer if the car+trailer does not exceed 3,500kgm.

Just so we don't get more confused over this apparent contradiction. For post-96-test, car licence holders:-

So long as the trailer and the maximum weight it is designed to safely carry (known as the 'maximum authorised mass') do not exceed 750kg the combined weight of trailer and towing vehicle must be no more than 4250 kgs.

If the trailer exceeds 750kg then a different rule applies (as has been quoted).

In that case, the combined 'maximum authorised mass' of trailer and vehicle must not exceed 3500 kg.

However the 'maximum authorised mass' of the trailer must not exceed the unladen weight of the towing vehicle.

The important thing to note is it matters not whether the trailer and/or car is actually laden.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:45 pm
by Flexibase
Having now read the Regulations, I now believe that 10 year photo-card licence renewers DO NOT need to have medicals to retain classes C1 and D1,

This has been confirmed by Email by (a minion at?) DVLA, so I maintain that the DVLA leaflet is very misleading and have suggested to them that it be amended.

What do others think about the leaflet's wording?

For you information, I have copied the relevant parts of the DVLA leaflet to

PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:22 pm
by MGF
I don't think the leaflet is the problem. I don't know how you can be confused if you have read the leaflet that comes with your licence.

As I have said the licence may be confusing as it states 'licence valid to' when it means 'photocard' but surely if INF40 appears to state something strange you just contact the DVLA for confirmation rather than asserting that entitlement is lost when you renew your photocard?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:50 am
by nodigitsever
whatever you do, do NOT change your Licence from a paper to photocard!

I did recently and have now lost my Motorcycle entitlement I had for the last 39 Years! :evil:

PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:23 am
by ROG
nodigitsever wrote:whatever you do, do NOT change your Licence from a paper to photocard!

I did recently and have now lost my Motorcycle entitlement I had for the last 39 Years! :evil:

Did you photostat the original before it was sent :?:

PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:02 pm
by firstmk1
Have you asked why?