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PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 3:11 pm
by TripleS
zadocbrown wrote:I think IAM are confused as to whether they are an AD organisation or a general road safety charity. I rather suspect they've tried to spread themselves too thinly and are paying the price. Or rather, we are.

I'm not connected with the IAM in any way, so the "we" can't include me in that sense, but if the "we" means the entire driving community, then I think you are right.

All credit to the local groups and their members who do still fly the flag for advanced driving with some spirit attached, but IAM HQ doesn't seem to be supporting that approach as far as I can tell.

I say again:

The IAM made a serious error by failing to fight the NSL when the idea first emerged. They should have fought that with every means at their disposal, and they should have continued to fight against it, and thus support the type of advanced drivers that formed the organisation in the first place. Based on the impression I have of them currently, I'm inclined to feel they might as well amalgamate with BRAKE.

That may seem harsh, but is there any evidence at all that they have ever done more than meekly accept the NSL? I fully appreciate that they can not be seen to condone law breaking, (I'll do it for them, in this case!) but it does not mean their hands are completely tied.

Maybe IAM HQ is just content to pocket the cash from their fleet training operation, and from Members' subscriptions, while leaving the more commendable activity to the local groups and their unpaid officials and Observers etc. If that's how it is, it's a very poor show. In fact I don't know how the good people at local group level have the heart to carry on against that background. It is even more to their credit that they do.

Best wishes all,

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 3:27 pm
by crr003
TripleS wrote:Maybe IAM HQ is just content to pocket the cash from their fleet training operation, and from Members' subscriptions, while leaving the more commendable activity to the local groups and their unpaid officials and Observers etc. If that's how it is, it's a very poor show. In fact I don't know how the good people at local group level have the heart to carry on against that background. It is even more to their credit that they do.

Thank you.
It's always been the Groups doing the work though, fighting gamely on despite head office's "help"........ :wink:

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:12 pm
by jbsportstech
Could always defect across to your local rospa group.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:13 pm
by waremark
jbsportstech wrote:If they are going to show the 4x4 TT they will need a better dressed, better hair styled chap from motor racing, LIKE mansual hammers up the motorway 100+ undertaking in that they want this guy next to that on frotn cover

Is he an instantly recognised figure who has won the world championship? Or do we only know him from crashing buses on Top Gear?? (have I got the right chap?)

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:16 pm
by jbsportstech
I was joking. But....
He was the youngest ever touring racer, as started b4 he passed his driving test @ 17. So he would be good for encouraging young members.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:18 pm
by waremark
"Maybe IAM HQ is just content to pocket the cash from their fleet training operation, and from Members' subscriptions, while leaving the more commendable activity to the local groups and their unpaid officials and Observers etc. "

Come on, this is a non-profit making charity dedicated to the improvement of road safety.

When a council member suggested to me recently that I might put myself forward to be considered for membership of the council I declined because like so many others I find it much easier to criticise what they do than to work out what they should be doing instead!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:50 pm
by TripleS
jbsportstech wrote:Could always defect across to your local rospa group.

If that's meant as an answer to Mr 003's concerns, would he be any better off with RoSPA. In any case, compared with the IAM, RoSPA groups are pretty thin on the ground are they not?

Best wishes all,

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:08 pm
by ROG
Scrap all the existing organisations and start again with just one under a new name - ADUK :idea: :lol:

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:09 pm
by zadocbrown
jbsportstech wrote:
ROG wrote:
jbsportstech wrote:
Whats wrong with a copy of roadcraft why do rospa or IAM need alphabet soup with a IAM or ROSPA badge on it. Why reivent the wheel?

Roadcraft looks like a book you get at school to do your swatting for the exams with.

The glossy IAM equivalent is more pleasing and tempting to the punter.

I dont agree I think the 07 roadcraft looks very appealing with the police car on the cover rather than IAM book with an old bus of a jag.

Maybe someone could do some research and find out?

I wouldn't have thought the presentation of the manual would be a big issue. Surely people joining the IAM are doing it to for the observed runs and to pass the test? If they want a fancy book they can take their pick in Waterstones.

Maybe I'm odd, but I'm not really impressed by pretty pictures. We are, after all, talking about what is effectively an instruction manual. Its function is to convey the necessary information in a clear and concise way. In this regard I think we've lost the plot a bit. It's information overload. (arguably disinformation on some points: eg, we're advised to change up early to 'save fuel' but also to 'warm the engine for a few minutes before setting off'! All very perplexing.)

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:10 pm
by TripleS
waremark wrote:"Maybe IAM HQ is just content to pocket the cash from their fleet training operation, and from Members' subscriptions, while leaving the more commendable activity to the local groups and their unpaid officials and Observers etc. "

Come on, this is a non-profit making charity dedicated to the improvement of road safety.

When a council member suggested to me recently that I might put myself forward to be considered for membership of the council I declined because like so many others I find it much easier to criticise what they do than to work out what they should be doing instead!

Non-profit making charity it may be, but the officials at HQ are not unpaid, are they? In any case, being dedicated to the improvement of road safety is splendid, but that is not all they should be doing. IMHO they should be promoting advanced driving the way they started out half a century ago - never in the field of human conflicty has so much time and opportunity been squandered by so few....etc. - in which case they might have had a better chance of attracting more interest from drivers in general, and the younger ones in particular. That would raise the tone a bit and make a worthwhile improvement in safety in the most troublesome sector of the driving population. That would be useful, wouldn't it?

Are you objecting to my criticism, albeit from the outside, Mark? If you are, I think it is misplaced.

Yes I am criticising IAM HQ and the leadership (or rather the lack of leadership) it has shown, but at least I'm making my criticisms and offering suggestions in places where a fair number of people might read them and be in a position to make use of them. I think that's better than me simply moaning to a couple of guys round at the pub.

Heh, different ways of looking at things!

Best wishes all,

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:18 pm
by crr003
jbsportstech wrote:Could always defect across to your local rospa group.

Well, I like a drive, but that would be a 60 mile roundtrip. (And not a pleasant drive towards Manchester either!) :shock:
Besides, I quite like what I'm doing with IAM at the moment.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:11 pm
by TripleS
ROG wrote:Scrap all the existing organisations and start again with just one under a new name - ADUK :idea: :lol:

Generally speaking I prefer to see existing well established organisations - like the IAM - being refurbished and given a new lease of life, rather than simply being abandoned; but in this case some may feel there hasn't been much sign of life at the top for quite a while. :(

....but ADUK as the new force? Is Darren ambitious enough to go for that? It would be a huge task to start from scratch. I'd just like to see somebody getting to grips with it.

Best wishes all,

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:52 pm
by fungus
Could it be that the IAM is becoming politicaly correct? What with all this eco stuff etc. Put the fun back into driving. Change the image. Get more young motor sport stars on board to encourage younger people in.

Nigel ADI
IAM trainee observer

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:03 pm
by TripleS
fungus wrote:Could it be that the IAM is becoming politicaly correct? What with all this eco stuff etc. Put the fun back into driving. Change the image. Get more young motor sport stars on board to encourage younger people in.

Nigel ADI
IAM trainee observer

There's room for a bit of eco stuff, we ought not to completely dismiss it; but I agree with the rest of what you say.

Best wishes all,

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:10 pm
by GS
ROG wrote:Scrap all the existing organisations and start again with just one under a new name - ADUK :idea: :lol:

Ahh but which driving test would potential members have to take to gain entry??