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Postby jibberjabber25 » Wed Jul 19, 2006 9:56 pm

Well done OD. :)

Your examiner seemed a bit nitpicky on one point. The roundabout - I personally think you did well to change down to 2nd just in case the roundabout is clear and you can be on your merry way using the acceleration. Then again I didn't do IAM in a manual and I wasn't there, perhaps you had a clear view of the roundabout and it was unnecessary to change down as it was obvious that you needed to stop?

Everything else that he said I would agree with (theoretically - having not been there of course. ;)
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Postby OneDragons » Thu Jul 20, 2006 9:16 am

The roundabout thing was probably a fair point to make to ensure I did know not to always do it as I did the same in 2 of them, even though they did have restricted visability to varying degrees, though one of them I probably should of guessed I would stop due to the traffic.
Everything else he said I though was fair.

Not sure what other examiners in IAM are like but he seemed to have really high standards for what he considered a pass. Maybe people who think tha IAM test is an easier way to go have a 'leanient' examiner? But thats a bit off topic :wink:
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Postby jibberjabber25 » Thu Jul 20, 2006 5:44 pm

Yes, they have high standards! Then again they are PC1 drivers so I don't blame them!
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Postby jibberjabber25 » Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:36 am

Thought I should let you all know that I've signed up as an observer. The group secretary was delighted! :D

It was hard making that phone call, but thought it's now or never, so I'm definitely going for it and giving it my all.
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Postby Eutopia » Sun Jul 23, 2006 7:01 am

jibberjabber25 wrote:Thought I should let you all know that I've signed up as an observer. The group secretary was delighted! :D

It was hard making that phone call, but thought it's now or never, so I'm definitely going for it and giving it my all.

IAM is not much to get excited about. The standards are low and the interpretation of material varies drastically from group to group. Your better off not bothering.
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Postby Darren » Sun Jul 23, 2006 7:46 am

Eutopia wrote:IAM is not much to get excited about. The standards are low and the interpretation of material varies drastically from group to group. Your better off not bothering.

Although your comment is rather cynical based on your experience, IAM is also the beginning for many people and for someone as Jibber to even consider moving on to becoming an observer it will aid his driving as well as others.

I think to suggest "better off not bothering" is harsh and uncalled for. It's the first rung to improving someone's own driving. You have had the benefit for Police training and experience, many have not and although many won't ever make that standard, they will still have learned something and become safer driver's because of it.

Postby Nigel » Sun Jul 23, 2006 8:18 am

Eutopia wrote:
jibberjabber25 wrote:Thought I should let you all know that I've signed up as an observer. The group secretary was delighted! :D

It was hard making that phone call, but thought it's now or never, so I'm definitely going for it and giving it my all.

IAM is not much to get excited about. The standards are low and the interpretation of material varies drastically from group to group. Your better off not bothering.

What a strange post for someone who signs himself a "police grade 1"

What road safety organisations (if any) do you like then ?

As per Darrens reply, its normally the beginning of someone showing an interest in improving their driving standard.

You've got me at a bit of a loss as to why you think driver training is so pointless.

Postby vonhosen » Sun Jul 23, 2006 8:39 am

Darren wrote:
Eutopia wrote:IAM is not much to get excited about. The standards are low and the interpretation of material varies drastically from group to group. Your better off not bothering.

Although your comment is rather cynical based on your experience, IAM is also the beginning for many people and for someone as Jibber to even consider moving on to becoming an observer it will aid his driving as well as others.

I think to suggest "better off not bothering" is harsh and uncalled for. It's the first rung to improving someone's own driving. You have had the benefit for Police training and experience, many have not and although many won't ever make that standard, they will still have learned something and become safer driver's because of it.

I agree.

What's important is people are encouraged to think about their driving & attempt to improve in areas they recognise that they can do better.

What organisation that starts out with, is less important than the drive to improve. If they can be encouraged to continue in that goal then their natural thirst for more will spur them on to greater safety & enjoyment.
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Postby TripleS » Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:49 am

Hiya Eutopia.

OK so your comments were rather harsh, but IMHO they were not totally unjustified.

Even so, can we try to work together at improving what we've already got, rather than throwing it away too readily? I hope you will be a part of the constructive process.

BTW, I still haven't met IAM standards.

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Postby crr003 » Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:26 am

jibberjabber25 wrote:Thought I should let you all know that I've signed up as an observer. The group secretary was delighted! :D

It was hard making that phone call, but thought it's now or never, so I'm definitely going for it and giving it my all.

Well done. :) You'll learn a lot as well as hopefully being able to help others (who want to be helped....)
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Postby crr003 » Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:40 am

Eutopia wrote:IAM is not much to get excited about. The standards are low and the interpretation of material varies drastically from group to group. Your better off not bothering.

Compared to doing 140 down a motorway getting ready to TPAC something; probably not.

However, it is refreshing to not only find someone who wants to improve his own driving, but also wants to try and help others improve.

It's a fact that group observers vary in their driving and instructional skills, but I'd challenge anyone who's tried to achieve IAM membership to admit they gained nothing from the experience.

When I took IAM I saw it as a step in the process of improving my driving - there are a lot of "advanced driving" organizations/companies out there, but IAM is probably the most well known (for whatever reasons).
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Postby waremark » Sun Jul 23, 2006 7:43 pm

Eutopia wrote:
jibberjabber25 wrote:IAM is not much to get excited about. The standards are low and the interpretation of material varies drastically from group to group. Your better off not bothering.

I am with everyone else who has responded. At the very least a drive to IAM standard is a good safe drive. At best, some IAM members reach very high standards of driving.

Well done JJ for putting yourself forward. You will get a lot of satisfaction from it, it will help both your own driving and your personal development, you will be helping others, and depending what sort of jobs you look for you may find it useful on your CV. Keep us posted on how you get on.
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Postby jibberjabber25 » Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:15 am

WOW! That definitely wasn't a reply that I was expecting. Moving on, thank you for your support everyone (bar the exception), I'm very grateful.

I know the IAM isn't the be all and end all of driving, but at least it's something. I'll improve and help others to improve, I don't see the harm Eutopia.

Anyway, each to their own.

Thank you again. :)
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Postby rlmr » Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:05 am

Eutopia wrote:IAM is not much to get excited about. The standards are low and the interpretation of material varies drastically from group to group. Your better off not bothering.

OK. If that is the case... what are you doing about it? Being a Class 1 is not just about the actual driving it is being immersed in the whole ethos.

I too found a considerable difference when I started to help my local IAM Group, once I had my Class 1 (and that was not yesterday). But Traffic Patrol Drivers are very lucky in that they have the benefit of some of the best driver training in the world. Surely there is a moral obligation to pass on some of this and re-invest in the country, which provided you with the opportunity in the first place.

And anyway... I always found that involvement with local IAM Groups was one of the best ways of ensuring that I maintained my standards over the years. I am happy to say that whilst standards do vary from group to group, there are some folk out there that (within the constraints of the NSL) are just at good as any Class 1... because they have been trained by the same people over the same roads and over the same length of time... they just do not happen to wear a police uniform.

I feel I am getting on a soap box again, but suffice it to say that the comments posted by "Eutopia" are not fully endorsed by every other Class 1.

Now to get back on topic. Well done with the IAM test pass and good on you for considering the Observer training. Without enthusiastic folk like you organisations such as the IAM and RoSPA would not be as successful. You will enjoy the Observing, though it can be frustrating, but like my examining role... it does keep you on your toes. Well done.
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Postby jibberjabber25 » Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:08 pm

Thank you again. I would like to thank this site for the help and support, and scream a THANK YOU to James Allport on here for helping me out when I was on the waiting list, and had trouble with my first observer also.
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