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Postby MGF » Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:25 pm

This feels like harassment but I will persevere for the time being. :roll:

vonhosen wrote:Have you ever seen a single solid white line with diagonals on one side, but no line on the other ?

The answer to that question doesn't define the double white line system does it?

vonhosen wrote:Were you or anybody else honestly referring to such a marking if none exist on our roads ?

Ah but they do. That is the point.

Some hatched areas that do not form part of the double white line system are bounded by solid white lines. (Note the difference between these types of markings not appearing in the regulations and not appearing on the roads)

You of all people should know that non-compliant road markings 'exist' on our roads.

vonhosen wrote:The important thing for a hatched area bordered by solid lines, is does it comply with the regs & for that the width permitted is limited.

(Not just the width, also a need deflection arrow). The point is that this observation had already been made by both 7db and myself, earlier in the thread. I was answering a specific question, specifically. I then went on to give examples of hatched areas falling outside of the double white line system.

Seems you've jumped the gun again.
Last edited by MGF on Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby MGF » Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:36 pm

TripleS wrote:Part of the problem here is that we have far too much paint on the roads, with too many variations of layout and style and meaning.

If people on forums such as this can be confused by it, we shouldn't be surprised if the great mass of normal disinterested road users fail to understand it and benefit from it.

Best wishes all,

Dave, I believe that is the intention. Lot's of paint in the middle of the road discourages overtaking in areas where bad overtaking may have caused accidents in the past. I believe it also encourages lower speeds.

I had a look at the old regulations and the hatchings with solid white borders appear to have been an approved variation of the ones with broken borders until the 1994 regs. Maybe this is why the HC used to refer to them. (arguably the changes have simplified matters as there are less options).

Old version

109: Areas of white diagonal stripes or chevrons painted on the road. These are to separate traffic lanes or to protect traffic turning right.

If the area is bordered by a broken white line, you should not enter the area unless it is necessary and you can see that it is safe to do so.
If the area is marked with diagonal stripes and bordered by solid white lines, you should not enter it except in an emergency.
If the area is marked with chevrons and bordered by solid white lines you MUST NOT enter it except in an emergency.

New version


Areas of white diagonal stripes or chevrons painted on the road. These are to separate traffic lanes or to protect traffic turning right.

* if the area is bordered by a broken white line, you should not enter the area unless it is necessary and you can see that it is safe to do so
* if the area is marked with chevrons and bordered by solid white lines you MUST NOT enter it except in an emergency
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Postby crr003 » Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:13 pm

MGF wrote:I had a look at the old regulations and the hatchings with solid white borders appear to have been an approved variation of the ones with broken borders until the 1994 regs. Maybe this is why the HC used to refer to them. (arguably the changes have simplified matters as there are less options).

Old version

109: Areas of white diagonal stripes or chevrons painted on the road. These are to separate traffic lanes or to protect traffic turning right.

If the area is bordered by a broken white line, you should not enter the area unless it is necessary and you can see that it is safe to do so.
If the area is marked with diagonal stripes and bordered by solid white lines, you should not enter it except in an emergency.
If the area is marked with chevrons and bordered by solid white lines you MUST NOT enter it except in an emergency.

New version


Areas of white diagonal stripes or chevrons painted on the road. These are to separate traffic lanes or to protect traffic turning right.

* if the area is bordered by a broken white line, you should not enter the area unless it is necessary and you can see that it is safe to do so
* if the area is marked with chevrons and bordered by solid white lines you MUST NOT enter it except in an emergency

Where does 165 fit in?
You MUST NOT overtake:
if you would have to enter an area designed to divide traffic, if it is surrounded by a solid white line
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Postby TripleS » Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:41 pm

Well thanks for the additional information but I still feel this is the wrong way to be going about things.

What we ought to have is a much simpler set of rules and guidance, making it much more likely that most road users will take it on board and treat it all with reasonable respect, rather than be manipulating road users' thinking, i.e. "if we put enough paint down here, we can con people into thinking they can't overtake in this area."

It simply is not realistic to expect all road users to be au fait with all this stuff.

Best wishes all,
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Postby ScoobyChris » Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:56 pm

chriskay wrote:The whole of the HC, RTA & TSRGD needs a sign of their own:

Whenever I see "MINEFIELD" it always reminds me of this....


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