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Re: IAM 'Skill for Life' increase

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:17 pm
by crr003
Gareth wrote:I really did think it was possible - I paid for SFL and went through the process when I back-filled - but every time I've looked on the IAM website I have not been able to find the price for the test on its own.

Well, it's not the easiest site to navigate around, but I doubt they'd advertise the £44 option if the £99 one is there.

SfL did sort of streamline things and makes the Associate focus on getting to test standard as it's all included. In the old days you'd send off a cheque when ready for test - some didn't bother going that far. In pure AD terms not an issue, as the Associate had probably gained through the observing process, but financially for IAM.....?

Re: IAM 'Skill for Life' increase

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:48 am
by ROG
These days there is auto entry into the IAM from those that have passed the AD test from such as EFAD drivers so if an AD test is passed by an IAM examiner then I see no reason why that is not the same.

Our examiners in leicester do these 'cold' tests now and again but most taking them fail due to lack of understanding the IPSGA system - some have not read roadcraft at all !!

Re: IAM Skill for Life Price Increase - 2nd April 2009

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:15 pm
by John C
Boy that is some increase, I know that IAM HQ are strapped for cash but I think it is a bad move and will not be good for getting drivers interested in advanced driving.
I belong to a RoADAR group and we only charge £22.00 for membership (less for under 21) which includes all tuition, on a one to one basis till the test standard is reached. The RoSPA test is extra. We also have an active social calander. . I think we give very good value. Why dont the IAM change their system and let their groups be more flexible??

John C

Re: IAM Skill for Life Price Increase - 2nd April 2009

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:48 am
by waremark
John C wrote:Why dont the IAM change their system and let their groups be more flexible??

I guess they would say that by generating income for the national charity they fund research, campaigning and marketing, partly as a result of which they have a much higher profile than ROADAR, in turn as a result of which they help a much larger number of people to improve their driving.

I think that under the new fee structure the national charity will have a higher income even if there are many fewer new members - most of the old fee went to book, groups and examiners, most of the new fee will be kept by 'Head Office'. Sad that this should be necessary to balance the books.

Who thinks the IAM gets good value from the work of the IAM Motoring Trust (now renamed, but I cannot remember what to, nor can I find it on the website)? Look here to see some of what they are up to:

BTW I happily support and pay subs to both IAM and ROADAR.

Re: IAM Skill for Life Price Increase - 2nd April 2009

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:36 am
by Horse
John C wrote:Why dont the IAM change their system and let their groups be more flexible??

Is it no longer possible to just join your local group, then book a test?

For that matter, can you no longer just walk (drive/ride) in off the steet and book a test only?

waremark wrote: [ Who thinks the IAM gets good value from the work of the IAM Motoring Trust (now renamed, but I cannot remember what to, nor can I find it on the website)? Look here to see some of what they are up to:

When did they take over the AA? :?: ... n+reports/

Re: IAM Skill for Life Price Increase - 2nd April 2009

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:22 am
by crr003
waremark wrote:...... the IAM Motoring Trust (now renamed, but I cannot remember what to, nor can I find it on the website)?

"previously known as the iam motoring trust, the policy and research division
focuses on three key issues: safer drivers and riders, safer roads and safer vehicles"

Snappy new title! From the IAM home page - link on left hand side to "IAM Policy and Research", although "IAM Motoring Trust" is still mentioned! Must take a while to clean up the web site.

Why does everyone always have three issues? Fear and surprise would have been enough........ :)

Re: IAM Skill for Life Price Increase - 2nd April 2009

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:41 am
by Gareth
Horse wrote:Is it no longer possible to just join your local group, then book a test?

Don't know about this but it is possible to join the IAM itself then book a test, and that is somewhat cheaper than the SfL package. From 1st April the test & membership fee was increased to £95.00, (previously £62).

Re: IAM 'Skill for Life' increase

PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:46 pm
by zadocbrown
Apparently research has suggested that the increased cost won't greatly affect membership. The additional income will help fund national and group publicity. We'll have to wait and see!

Re: IAM 'Skill for Life' increase

PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:26 am
by martine
zadocbrown wrote:Apparently research has suggested that the increased cost won't greatly affect membership. The additional income will help fund national and group publicity. We'll have to wait and see!

I'm really not sure about the Bristol group we've had our biggest drop out rate for group renewals and we are getting a steady stream of non-renewers as their national membership comes up (you're not allowed to be a group member if you're not a national member).

I fear by this time next year we (and National IAM) will have lost a significant number of members.

Re: IAM 'Skill for Life' increase

PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:23 am
by Gareth
martine wrote:I fear by this time next year we (and National IAM) will have lost a significant number of members.

At my local group's AGM a couple of nights ago it was mentioned that the previous chief observer had not renewed his IAM membership and therefore his group membership, and it struck me that the benefits of continued membership, whether for the national body or for local groups, are slight for most people. For those that are active within local groups as volunteers, it means they have to pay to be a volunteer, and that doesn't do much to encourage new members to participate.

Re: IAM 'Skill for Life' increase

PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:27 am
by Gareth
martine wrote:you're not allowed to be a group member if you're not a national member

Is that a condition imposed by the national body on affiliated local groups? If so this strikes me as another reason why local groups might wish to consider unaffiliating, especially if it means they retain a large proportion of volunteer members.

Re: IAM 'Skill for Life' increase

PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:49 am
by crr003
Gareth wrote:
martine wrote:you're not allowed to be a group member if you're not a national member

Is that a condition imposed by the national body on affiliated local groups?

"1.5 Group Full Members must be current Members of the Institute." (From the Group Handbook)

Re: IAM 'Skill for Life' increase

PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:40 am
by brianhaddon
crr003 wrote:
Gareth wrote:
martine wrote:you're not allowed to be a group member if you're not a national member

Is that a condition imposed by the national body on affiliated local groups?

"1.5 Group Full Members must be current Members of the Institute." (From the Group Handbook)

Group FULL Members. I am sure that has always been the case as it was when I first joined the IAM in 1984. I joined the local group as an Associate member whilst training for the test. The same applies to RoADAR I think.
Brian Haddon

Re: IAM 'Skill for Life' increase

PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 1:30 pm
by crr003
brianhaddon wrote:Group FULL Members. I am sure that has always been the case as it was when I first joined the IAM in 1984. I joined the local group as an Associate member whilst training for the test. The same applies to RoADAR I think.
Brian Haddon

Associates now come (99.9%) via the Skill for Life package, which includes a year's membership of national IAM. They already come to us with their FULL IAM membership number, just with an "A" in front of it.
Even if you walked in the door and wanted to join the local Group and just pay for your test, it would include membership of national. After a year, if you haven't taken the test, national would take another year's membership fee off you.

So, as I see it, even as an Associate now, you will be paying to be in the national IAM. The Group Handbook needs to be re-written as bits of it are no longer up to date.

Re: IAM 'Skill for Life' increase

PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 7:45 pm
by brianhaddon
crr003 wrote:
brianhaddon wrote:Group FULL Members. I am sure that has always been the case as it was when I first joined the IAM in 1984. I joined the local group as an Associate member whilst training for the test. The same applies to RoADAR I think.
Brian Haddon

Associates now come (99.9%) via the Skill for Life package, which includes a year's membership of national IAM. They already come to us with their FULL IAM membership number, just with an "A" in front of it.
Even if you walked in the door and wanted to join the local Group and just pay for your test, it would include membership of national. After a year, if you haven't taken the test, national would take another year's membership fee off you.

So, as I see it, even as an Associate now, you will be paying to be in the national IAM. The Group Handbook needs to be re-written as bits of it are no longer up to date.

So does this mean that you need to be a member of the IAM (albeit as an associate) before you can take the test? When I joined you could only join the IAM if you passed the test. Have things changed that much? I must admit to being completely out of touch with the IAM inasmuch I only pay may annual subscription. (And please nobody ask why do I bother if that is my only 'present' contact)
Brian Haddon