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Cat B Test Pass!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:26 pm
by SammyTheSnake
I've just passed my driving test, woo hoo!

4 minors.

I'll post the chitty and certificate when I get home, along with my various comments and some thoughts that arose from the test and discussions with the examiner. I'm posting from work at the moment, so I'll keep it brief! :)

Now to get a car and an insurance quote that isn't just silly.

Just a thought, some insurers ask "how long have you held a full driving license" to which I think I might be legally entitled to answer "about 3 1/2 years" owing to having held a Full (Category A) since August '03. Here's to hoping they don't ask which category I have my full license in :)

Cheers & God bless
Sam "SammyTheSnake" Penny

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:29 pm
by ROG
WELL DONE SAMMY. I bet you are saying "AT B****DY LAST!"[/b]

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:31 pm
by ROG
PS The advanced car driving groups in Coventry had better look out!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:54 pm
by TripleS
Many congratulations, Sammy.

Best wishes all,

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 5:04 pm
by jont
Congratulations Sam. Look forward to seeing you in a car at meets later in the year :D

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 5:14 pm
by Gromit37
Congratulatios! 8)



PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 5:20 pm
by vonhosen
Well done

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 6:24 pm
by Mr Cholmondeley-Warner
Well done Sammy - all the best people pass at the second attempt ;)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 6:30 pm
by James
Congrats - not sure you can claim to hold a full licence for 3 years with insurance company though. :cry:

Re: Cat B Test Pass!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 6:53 pm
by Gareth
SammyTheSnake wrote:I've just passed my driving test


SammyTheSnake wrote:some insurers ask "how long have you held a full driving license" to which I think I might be legally entitled to answer "about 3 1/2 years" owing to having held a Full (Category A) since August '03.

Clearly they want to know about the licence category for which you are asking them to insure you ... (where's the :censure: smiley?)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 7:17 pm
by MGF
Well done Sammy, so is it Coventry IAM now?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 8:07 pm
by MiniClubmanEstate
Congratulations Sammy!!!

4-minors, that's good.
Have fun with whatever advanced driving group you join.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 8:59 pm
by PeteG
Well done that man.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:09 pm
by martine
Yo, go Sammy!

(or whatever you young whippersnappers retort these days :wink: )

PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:11 am
by SammyTheSnake
:oops: Aw, so nice to have so many heartfelt congrats. Warms my cockles, so it does :)

As promised, here are my chitties (as before, apologies for the poor quality)

First the "interesting" one, the report card:
Then the *important* one, the test pass certificate! :-D

The test report is particularly unclear, so I'll narrate:

1 minor for "14: Use of mirrors - change direction" when I accidentally took up the left most lane on a roundabout when I'd entered the roundabout on the second lane (four lanes on the approach *all* go straight ahead, as well as the furthest left and furthest right giving the option of turning off)
1 minor for "17 Response to signs / signals" where I didn't get ready to change out of a lane that was closing until I'd almost run out of space. Should've seen this coming, but last time I went past there (the previous day!) the cones were all on the verge waiting to be put out, so I didn't twig they'd been put out in time :oops:
2 minors for "22: Judgemente - meeting" Only one of these can I remember, I don't think the examiner told me where the other was. The one I can remember was on a left hand bend with parked cars aplenty, I had to stop a little swiftly when a car was coming the other way. I might have called this one a little harsh, but I didn't want to argue as he apparently didn't notice when I touched the kerb on my "turn in the road" :-P

I wasn't overly-chuffed to find I had the same examiner as last time, but he didn't seem to bear a grudge, so there you go :) I wasn't pleased when he admitted after the test he'd lied about not remembering me, he went down in my estimation somewhat at that point. I respect character much more than skill, though both together are a beauty to behold :)

My instructor (Hi, Al! You lurker, you!) had an interesting conversation with the instructor afterwards about which lane to exit a roundabout on, in which of the three of us, only the examiner seemed to want to disagree with the highway code. He seemed to be of the opinion that the only time you should be leaving a roundabout in the right hand of two exit lanes is when somebody is trying to overtake you on the inside :shock:

He also seemed to have a bit of a thing against IAM/RoSPA etc. which I would love to discuss with him over a pint, but I had to shoot off to work...

martine wrote:Yo, go Sammy!

(or whatever you young whippersnappers retort these days :wink: )

Don't ask me, even though insurance companies still seem to think I'm 17, judging by the premia they want to charge me...

Cheers & God bless
Sam "SammyTheSnake" Penny[/img]