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Cranfield University - Online Driver Risk Assessment

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 1:40 pm
by Darren
Cranfield University have launched an online "Driver Risk Assessment" system at

Costs £20 for a report, however, wouldn't this be a useful tool as part of an IAM/RoSPA driving assessment. As well as using technology and tools to show how a driver can improve?

This is something IAM Fleet have been trying to do and something I also wanted to get going on here.

Let me know your experiences.


PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 8:51 pm
by stephenperry

looks like you have to be a member though

PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 9:13 pm
by stephenperry
personally i think £20 is a bit much for what it is, a telly feature can bring in a lot of income, just look at the Life Expectancy Calculator featured on the programme Change The Day You Die

Unlike the "score 4 if you answered A, 3 if you answered B.........20-29.... youre ...... 30 - 39 you're ....." questionnaires you see in newspapers these people make a good business model; for the £20 you'll get a personalised :roll: score but no idea how it was calculated :lol:

i guess it stops folk having both the questions and the scoring pattern and changing it just enough so it doesn't infringe copyright.... not that anyone would of course :wink:

PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:04 pm
by Rick
I've been to a couple of their seminars and they are quite good, we also got free trials of the software. It is ok but i would say £20 is way too much myself. However i would congratulate them on their efforts.