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Global Warming SWINDLE

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:04 pm
by Gill Taxis
Well I do not know how many of you have seen the C4 Global Warning Swindle.
I have watched it and it is very convincing in a scientific way,
Looks like its the old story again, the government are lying about this to cream money.

Misleading argument 1 : The Earth's climate is always changing and this is nothing to do with humans.
Misleading argument 2 : Carbon dioxide only makes up a small part of the atmosphere and so cannot be responsible for global warming.
Misleading argument 3 : Rises in the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are the result of increased temperatures, not the other way round.
Misleading argument 4 : Observations of temperatures taken by weather balloons and satellites do not support the theory of global warming.
Misleading argument 5 : Computer models which predict the future climate are unreliable and based on a series of assumptions.
Misleading argument 6 : It's all to do with the Sun - for example, there is a strong link between increased temperatures on Earth with the number of sunspots on the Sun.
Misleading argument 7 : The climate is actually affected by cosmic rays.
Misleading argument 8 : The scale of the negative effects of climate change is often overstated and there is no need for urgent action.
Here is a clip that might just be interesting.

Here is some more info and footage on the subject.

The full Documentary is available to view , its worth watching.


PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:32 am
by ROG
even if the government was right, nothing is going to make much difference unless the likes of the USA & China etc lead the way.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:29 pm
by martine
Crikey that's a big subject...are you trying to start an argument? :roll: :lol:

I wouldn't believe everything you see on TV. We can argue the toss about specifics but how about...

The best climate scientists in the world, as a majority (100s with only a very few exceptions) think:

a) The global climate is warming
b) It's caused by human intervention

Remember these are experts in their field - their career is to understand the climate - I know who I would prefer to take advice from.

Do you think a) is incorrect or b)?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 6:57 pm
by oscar

Hundreds of 'scientists' whose livelihoods depends on their returning a verdict to satisfy governments' greed for more taxation.

Hundreds more disagree!

As for Al Gore, his mansion uses more energy than the White House!:shock:

Have a read:-

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:10 pm
by martine
Not at all. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) is made up of scientists and politicians. The scientists keep wanting a stronger report but the politicians make them water it down as they are frightened of the consequences (economically, politically etc).

The most up to date report finally has the statement in that there is now overwhelming evidence that humans are causing climate change - much to the scientist's relief.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:05 pm
by TripleS
Ah, the best scientists, the experts etc. Are they the ones that make most of the noise?

Honestly, I don't know about this, but I'm still sceptical. A huge bandwagon seems to have got under way with this, and governments are in the driving seat, not least because it's yet another way of squeezing more cash out of the electorate in general, and vehicle users in particular.

Even if man is substantially the cause of this, it's energy users (and the de-foresters?) in total, i.e. globally, that should face it and deal with it. It makes no sense for a tiny nation like ourselves to give ourselves a hard time if the likes of China and India are shaping up to do what we've been doing, not that I can blame them for now wanting some of what we've had.

If this needs tackling at all it will have to be done globally, and getting agreement about what action to take - and then taking it - will not be a five minute job; not if our struggles over what constitutes advanced driving are anything to go by!

Best wishes all,

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:20 am
by Gill Taxis
The Goverment's.....
They could never admit THEY ARE TALKING CR*P as what would all the government high paid scientists do for work then ?
They would have to stop taxing on CO2 emission. That would affect there pockets to much..
Today in 1971 it was over 17 degrees c around here "oh no the cycle is getting cooler."
After the Industrial revolution the temps dropped !
This cycle of temperature and weather difference has happened loads throughout history ( it is not out of the ordinary ).
Scare tactics to generate money, the government are ever so good at it.
You see it was never mans fault or anything to do with man....
If we all revved one of the biggest fuel guzzling car constant for year burned 1000 tyres each and sprayed a million cans of paint into the atmosphere. The effect would be less than a 1 degree rise in temp the only thing we would notice would be the stink and smoke.
The natural way temps will rise and fall is out of our hands and was never the making of our hands and we can not change this or contribute to the rise or fall of temps.
Look into facts....not what political liars preach to us.
Please remember they only tell the public what they want the public to hear and this might not always be correct.
The answers lie within the sun ..Period...proven fact...
So seems the government can say silly things we all may as well join in and talk poop "Its all the fault of opticians making stronger lenses and drawing the sun closer to earth" Now that is as logical as the scare monger fund raising things they come out with.


PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:30 am
by crr003
There was a good letter in the last CSMA driving magazine that basically trashed the current theory.

I wouldn't worry about it much myself.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:16 am
by SLine
The answers lie within the sun ..Period...proven fact...

What scientist (government funded or otherwise) told you that? Did you see their evidence or did you hear what they wanted you to hear?
Perhaps you independently did the research yourself, :?

I don't have the answers, but you can't just say "it's not humans, it's the sun, so there"

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:04 pm
by martine
Steve (Gill Taxis),

You obviously feel very strongly about this and it would seem nothing I say (or anyone else) is going to make you reconsider. I applaud your confidence but doesn't just a tiny little bit of you worry, you may just be wrong...very wrong?

There is an argument that says even if you we believe it's nothing to do with human intervention, if there's a 5% chance it could be, it's worth taking serious measures to limit the damage because the consequences are so potentially catastrophic. It seems irresponsible as custodians of the planet not to - doesn't it?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 4:15 pm
by jasonh
I have another way of looking at things. I should admit that I believe in climate change because it seems to me a lot of scientific opinion, which is not all biased, supports the theory. Hey, maybe I'm just another brainwashed Oxford boy.

Anyway, what is so hard about recycling, saving energy, etc.? Isn't it worth doing for the sake of not being overly consumptive and wasteful, regardless of one's views about climate change? Why do we have to be so bloody-minded just because some of us choose to distrust authority?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 4:58 pm
by Renny
jasonh wrote:I have another way of looking at things. I should admit that I believe in climate change because it seems to me a lot of scientific opinion, which is not all biased, supports the theory. Hey, maybe I'm just another brainwashed Oxford boy.

Anyway, what is so hard about recycling, saving energy, etc.? Isn't it worth doing for the sake of not being overly consumptive and wasteful, regardless of one's views about climate change? Why do we have to be so bloody-minded just because some of us choose to distrust authority?

Well said.

If anyone wants to see how wastefull we can be, they should have a look at the amount of easily recyclable materials that go onto a landfill. It takes little effort to take your empty wine bottles to the bottle bank when you go to buy some more, likewise tin cans, paper, milk cartons etc. It will even mean you can avoid having to take more plastic bags from the shop to carry the shopping in :D

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 11:13 pm
by Gill Taxis
SLine wrote:
The answers lie within the sun ..Period...proven fact...

What scientist (government funded or otherwise) told you that? Did you see their evidence or did you hear what they wanted you to hear?
Perhaps you independently did the research yourself, :?

I don't have the answers, but you can't just say "it's not humans, it's the sun, so there"

I have probably heard the same argument "against" as you have "for" and the evidence I have seen is about as much convincing as the evidence you have seen like you say "or did you hear what they wanted you to hear?"
I work on facts and logic not myths look at both sides of the argument in detail and then decide like I have done...( I have not just listened to a one sided case either ).
I have done quite extensive research into this because I realized the cycle re-occurs, but no solid proof has ever been given that it is because of mans habits or faults.
I can see your worry, you may think "what if it is mans doings" like you I thought the same and it led me to research the facts. Also look into the number of scientists that were fired for not agreeing with the government theory or myth however you see it.

Someone else on here mentioned recycling...
Listen recycling has always happened ( I have worked in the council waste plants ) the waste used to come on wagons and dumped into a huge hole...yes it was our job to sort it ( many years ago ) glass / plastic and tin was always sorted and removed from the stuff that was buried in landfill sites...not all mind...but then again not all is removed now.
So to move on to the present day.
You know the recycling wagon that picks your little box up with bottles , cans and papers...they tender for it...YES it is a business and they recycle for a price.
BUT they have all of us working for them by making us put boxes outside on the road to keep there work easy ! Do not get me wrong we do it...but they should really come down your drive and get it if they want it...
SO like I say the greenie squad government has also got us working for a business that sells recyclable rubbish.
And they have the nerve to complain if we put papers in a placky bag to stop them blowing about in the wind...WHY cos they get jack sh&t for placky bags.
I never began this thread to start an argument, my intention was to share my research and enlighten you a bit.

Next thing you will be telling me is that you have proof that there is a god and santy excists...come on man FACTS...DO research and do not just go with the flow.
