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Road safety prize available - should ADUK participate?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:19 pm
by manilva15b
I picked this up off the Spanish wires. You can see a Google translation here: ... en&ie=UTF8

The Foundation Norauto earmarked 47,000 euros to the new edition of its European prize for road safety (18/02/2008)

Norauto The Foundation convenes a new edition of its European Award for Road Safety "to reward the best initiatives to promote road safety carried out in 2007 by associations of the European Union".

Progress in Europe for road safety is the result of the efforts of many actors, but it is essentially the action of many associations which have contributed to a new culture is born of driver education. Norauto The Foundation aims to assess and accompany this commitment to promote a caring and responsible conduct. "

The competition is open to all associations of the countries of the European Union who have carried out an operation in 2007.
The 6 best dossiers receive financial assistance from the Foundation Norauto, number between 3,000 and 10,000 euros which will be devoted exclusively to the development of the award-winning initiative or to a new project within the scope of Road Safety.
As a novelty, this year will be granted a <<Special Award>> which will be presented to the partnership committed to urban mobility.

How to participate

To participate, partnerships must simply download the nomination dossier and the rules of the Web Award from the Foundation Norauto: http: / / / fondation
The dossiers must be submitted before April 28, 2008.

The jury of the awards, consisting of road safety experts, supported by two selection committees: a French committee, composed of independent experts, and a committee consisting of specialists and experts from across Europe (Spain, Italy, Portugal,…) . En In June will be known its deliberation.
Finally, the awards ceremony will take place next October 2008 in Paris.

Although the prize mentioned is for 2007 iniciatives, that should not stop ADUK participating now or in the future.

What do you think?

PS the link above goes to the French commercial site. See: ... -prize.asp

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:36 pm
by Porker
Why not?

AD-UK is innovative, has authority (conferred by the various good sources who contribute), talks to all sections of the driving community and is influencing more people by the day.

Go for it.
