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Should we have compulsory regular eye sight tests?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:05 pm
by fungus
Try to picture this situation.

A reasonably busy village main street with some restricted parking and some parking bays to the left on the approach to, and alongside a parade of shops. Just before the shops is an entrance to a parking area at the rear of the shops.

I am following a car approaching the parade of shops. Just ahead is a cyclist approaching the parade of shops. About three parking bays from the entrance to the parking area at the rear of the shops, the driver in front veers towards a parking bay just as the cyclist is passing it. The driver sees the cyclist very late, and swerves to avoid him. What happens next beggers belief. Having narrowly missed the cyclist, the driver then swerves across the front of the cyclist who is now about to pass the entrance to the parking area at the rear of the shops, forcing him to swerve violently to avoid the car, whos driver continued on into the car park, leaving a rather shocked cyclist, and a lady, who was pushing a pushchair on the pavement, looking at each other in amazement.

My question is this. Should we be required to have an eye sight test every two or three years as a condition of our licence? Comments please.

Nigel ADI
IAM trainee observer.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:24 pm
by Custom24
I did not find it easy to visualise what you described, but the scenario you describe does not necessarily have poor eyesight as the cause? Could it just have been distraction or otherwise poor driving?

Also, considering the eyesight "test" for the L test is so lenient, what would you propose as the 3 yearly eye test?

Re: Should we have compulsory regular eye sight tests?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 7:57 am
by jont
fungus wrote:My question is this. Should we be required to have an eye sight test every two or three years as a condition of our licence? Comments please.

Well, yes. I'd also like to see compulsory retests/assessments of driving standards. But I can't see either happening.

ISTR a presentation at Bristol IAM by an optician though who said they were unable to write to the DVLA and inform them that someone had dangerously bad vision. With the patients permission, they could contact the GP who may then decide to forward things on, but couldn't do it directly themselves. So even if people are failing eye tests it doesn't mean they're stopping driving.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 8:24 am
by ROG
LGV medicals including eye tests are required every 5 years from age 45 so I do not see a problem with doing the same for car drivers every 10 years - the system is already in place.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 8:00 pm
by Sru_1980
No, I don't think we should have compulsory eyesight tests - I mean, I wear glasses to drive, but does that automatically mean I'd suddenly be unable to see hazards without them? I think not! (I hope not, anyway!) They just help to make things appear that bit clearer and sharper. On that note, I'm off for a drive!!


PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 8:18 pm
by crr003
Sru_1980 wrote:No, I don't think we should have compulsory eyesight tests - I mean, I wear glasses to drive, but does that automatically mean I'd suddenly be unable to see hazards without them? I think not! (I hope not, anyway!) They just help to make things appear that bit clearer and sharper. On that note, I'm off for a drive!!

If you've got code 01 on your licence, I thought you had to wear your glasses when driving?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:27 pm
by Sru_1980
crr003 wrote:
Sru_1980 wrote:No, I don't think we should have compulsory eyesight tests - I mean, I wear glasses to drive, but does that automatically mean I'd suddenly be unable to see hazards without them? I think not! (I hope not, anyway!) They just help to make things appear that bit clearer and sharper. On that note, I'm off for a drive!!

If you've got code 01 on your licence, I thought you had to wear your glasses when driving?

I always do wear my glasses to drive - I've also just realized what the original post meant, having regular eyesight checks done by an optician (I got there in the end!!!) :oops: which I agree we should - which throws my argument right out the window!! I'll go back to sleep now! :D

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:07 am
by ROG
crr003 wrote:If you've got code 01 on your licence, I thought you had to wear your glasses when driving?


Well, I say no but it depends on the criteria stated by DVLA.

I've got 01 but it is only next to my LGV entitlements and I only need to wear them if I cannot see the O/S mirror with my left eye from a normal driving position - right eye not fully ok

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:32 pm
by crr003
ROG wrote:
crr003 wrote:If you've got code 01 on your licence, I thought you had to wear your glasses when driving?


Well, I say no but it depends on the criteria stated by DVLA.

So, when Plod stops you and sees the 01 code and you're not wearing anything to correct the defect, do you have another piece of paper from DVLA saying so? Otherwise, what's to stop him/her thinking you've committed the offence of Driving with Uncorrected Defective Eyesight RTA 1988 s.96(1)?
I was just thinking of "simple" shortsightedness initially.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:44 pm
by ScoobyChris
crr003 wrote:If you've got code 01 on your licence, I thought you had to wear your glasses when driving?

I'd always wondered what that code was, but obviously never been bothered to follow it up :oops: My 01 applies to all categories and I suspect is there because I wore glasses when I passed my driving test. I wonder how many people didn't require glasses when they passed their test and now do, but have not notified the DVLA.

I'm all for compulsory eyesight testing ... which reminds me - I need to book my 2 yearly check up!


PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:14 pm
by crr003
ScoobyChris wrote:I'd always wondered what that code was, but obviously never been bothered to follow it up..

Here you go: ... G_10022623

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:17 pm
by ScoobyChris
Thanks - and that's cleared up the other two numbers that appear on there :lol:
