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Today's IAM Car conference - Warwick Uni

PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 9:30 pm
by martine
I attended today on behalf of my Bristol group.

Before I voice my own opinion, how was it for you?

Re: Today's IAM Car conference - Warwick Uni

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:09 am
by crr003
martine wrote:I attended today on behalf of my Bristol group.

Before I voice my own opinion, how was it for you?

I thought the chips were good.
And the tyre presure gauge works!

Re: Today's IAM Car conference - Warwick Uni

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:17 am
by crr003
martine wrote:I attended today on behalf of my Bristol group.

Before I voice my own opinion, how was it for you?

The morning talks were half interesting and a bit repetitive, but the Volvo guy was obviously not expecting to talk about what he was billed to do!

What was Group award thing about? OK - three Groups could win, but there was about 20? And what's the criteria for winning?
After lunch - interesting implementation of a brain storming session. But at least we tried.
I was impressed with Mr Kenworthy's delivery, but we need to see some results now.

Bonus - I got to meet Chris Gilbert (who is a Roadcraft VIP) and Trevor Dickenson who is a SE and talks sense.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 1:07 pm
by jbsportstech

I will ask my training officier as I have thumb my latest copy of HC and can't find it.

I believe it is an advisory marking meaning the conditions and or road layout require caution and you should be prepared to slow or stop.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 2:11 pm
by martine
jbsportstech wrote:SLOW IN THE ROAD!

I will ask my training officier as I have thumb my latest copy of HC and can't find it.

I believe it is an advisory marking meaning the conditions and or road layout require caution and you should be prepared to slow or stop.

I think we've hit a worm-hole Jim in the space-time continuum...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:02 pm
by Horse
martine wrote:
jbsportstech wrote:SLOW IN THE ROAD!

I think we've hit a worm-hole Jim in the space-time continuum...


Wasn't it a Motown song?

# Stop! In the the [name of] road . . .

Re: Today's IAM Car conference - Warwick Uni

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 3:48 pm
by AnalogueAndy
martine wrote:Before I voice my own opinion, how was it for you?

I understand (from the feedback I've had from the 3 of our group who attended) that there was a particular emphasis on eco driving, the P in POWDER (or POWER) now stands for 'Planning' as in Is my journey really necessary etc. :D

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 4:12 pm
by martine
Is that a snipe that the 3 from the Bath group that they thought it was a complete waste of time?

Personally I found the day good in parts...some of the speakers were interesting: I thought the petrol producers association chap put some things into oil reserves, the problems with 'new' fuels (as you'd expect him to emphasise) etc.

I was very surprised there was no open q&a session to pick up delegates feelings on things like the proposed large membership fee increase and a detailed explaination of why the IAM's finances are struggling.

The 'brainstorming' session in the afternoon was a good shot at specific issues - loads of feedback but it's only worthwhile if it's followed up with change of course. Time will tell.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 4:46 pm
by AnalogueAndy
martine wrote:Is that a snipe that the 3 from the Bath group that they thought it was a complete waste of time?

No, quite the opposite for them personally, but I understand the sentiment didn't go down well with a few of the 'petrolheads'.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:26 pm
by martine
AnalogueAndy wrote:
martine wrote:No, quite the opposite for them personally, but I understand the sentiment didn't go down well with a few of the 'petrolheads'.

I must have drifted off when the eco-driving bit was on :wink: and yes I quite agree, eco-driving is not what the IAM is about. We should 'sell' the 'advanced' bit more control, safety and fun not eco IMO.

(this from someone that has a car that does 30mpg if he's lucky and usually 24-26)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:55 am
by TripleS
martine wrote:
AnalogueAndy wrote:
martine wrote:No, quite the opposite for them personally, but I understand the sentiment didn't go down well with a few of the 'petrolheads'.

I must have drifted off when the eco-driving bit was on :wink: and yes I quite agree, eco-driving is not what the IAM is about. We should 'sell' the 'advanced' bit more control, safety and fun not eco IMO.

(this from someone that has a car that does 30mpg if he's lucky and usually 24-26)

I would suggest that eco-driving is not what the IAM should primarily be about, but in the present climate I do think they ought to give it some attention, rather than disregarding it completely.

One might also bear in mind that obtaining good fuel economy - in combination with a fair amount of spirited driving - is an additional skill that could usefully be developed.

(this from somebody that can get around as quickly as most folk, and obtain 50 mpg whilst doing so.) :cool:

Best wishes all,
Dave - planet saver.

Re: Today's IAM Car conference - Warwick Uni

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:54 pm
by zadocbrown
AnalogueAndy wrote:
martine wrote:Before I voice my own opinion, how was it for you?

I understand (from the feedback I've had from the 3 of our group who attended) that there was a particular emphasis on eco driving, the P in POWDER (or POWER) now stands for 'Planning' as in Is my journey really necessary etc. :D

Does this mean we no longer need any petrol to go? :?