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Top gear - Porsche GT2 time?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:23 am
by martine
So have I missed something or did they actually reveal what time stig took the GT2 round the track in? I assume it was faster than the Lambo Gallardo but by how much?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:30 am
by vonhosen
They said it was exactly the same time.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:58 pm
by martine
Ah thanks Von - missed that...amazing really just goes to show 4 wheel drive isn't everything.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:03 pm
by TripleS
martine wrote:Ah thanks Von - missed that...amazing really just goes to show 4 wheel drive isn't everything.

Pah, flash cars! I expect a really skilled operator in a Focus ST would be nearly as quick. What say you, Martin? ;)

Best wishes all,

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:31 pm
by jont
martine wrote:Ah thanks Von - missed that...amazing really just goes to show 4 wheel drive isn't everything.

Didn't you see the Zonda vs the Veyron this week too?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:11 pm
by martine
jont wrote:
martine wrote:Ah thanks Von - missed that...amazing really just goes to show 4 wheel drive isn't everything.

Didn't you see the Zonda vs the Veyron this week too?

Yes indeed - good point...I wasn't as surprised by this one though as I've never thought of the Veyron as being a great handling car...just incredibly powerful and quick...but actually of course it's still up there in the upper echelons of performance.

I personally think the Veyron is not very pretty either but my kids love it.

The Zonda is just insane...what an amazing sound it made on Sunday as that legal?

a) my beloved ST is just a Lada Riva in comparison to either supercars
b) my driving is not much better either :roll:

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:36 am
by TripleS
I rather like this story posted by my friend 'flemke' over on PistonHeads yesterday. It is supposed to have been extracted from an article published in about 2005, probably in the publication 'F1 Racing.'

"A few years ago, when he was one of the fastest F1 drivers, there was a great magazine interview with JP Montoya.
In it, he related the anecdote that recently he had been at some sponsor's day at a circuit. He and Jackie Stewart were the featured guests. They were taking the punters out for pax rides in a saloon, but first there was a little contest between the two of them to see who could set the faster benchmark time.
Each went out with the other as his passenger. Stewart was first. Montoya said that, after a few warm-up laps, it was time for Stewart to go for it.
Montoya said that he was taken by surprise that Stewart was driving so slowly. He particularly noticed, he said, how slow Stewart's gear changes were. Montoya said that, as he observed this, he actually felt sorry for Stewart. It was a sad thing, he said, that a former 3-times champion's speed had declined so far.
After a couple of Stewart's "fast" laps, Stewart came in and they swapped seats. Montoya said that now the bit was between his teeth. Stewart had shown him what he could do, and now the young Turk wanted to demonstrate how the game had moved on in the last thirty years.
After his warm-up laps, Montoya really went for it. He said that he pushed the car to its absolute limits. That included Montoya's ramming aggressively through the gears, not lazily snicking them in Stewart's chauffeur style. From the passenger seat, Stewart stayed quiet.
Montoya completed some laps which he knew were as fast as could have done. He then brought the car back into the pit lane, eager to learn what was the difference between his lap times and those of the old man.
The gap between Montoya's fastest lap and Stewart's fastest was 0.8 seconds. Not bad - except that the fastest laps had been Stewart's."

Best wishes all,

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 11:43 pm
by stefan einz
If you like the sound of the Zonda, then you may like this video:

Click on Episode 5.

Do listen to the end - the car does a 180mph drive by on the main straight and it sounds just like an old V12 F1 car. Fabulous.

As for the GT2, easily the best car I have driven this year. Porsche at its best. Clarkson is a complete baffoon! (Yes, yes, I know its only entertainment :wink: )

Kind regards


PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 11:59 pm
by waremark
stefan einz wrote:As for the GT2, easily the best car I have driven this year. Porsche at its best.

You are saying you prefer it to the CGT? Or is is the best car .... except ....?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:08 am
by stefan einz
waremark wrote:
stefan einz wrote:As for the GT2, easily the best car I have driven this year. Porsche at its best.

You are saying you prefer it to the CGT? Or is is the best car .... except ....?

No, the CGT is still a league better in terms of feel factor (and noise :D ). But the GT2 is quite astonishingly rapid (680 Nm of torque does the trick) and feels hewn from solid, like the old air cooled cars. It feels like it will shrug off mega mileages, whereas a 20,000 mile 599 that I drove felt on its last legs (most disappointing car of the year). So, really, what I meant was the GT2 is the best new car I've driven this year.

Kind regards


PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:24 pm
by firstmk1
Have you had the opportunity to try the new Gallardo?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:46 pm
by stefan einz
firstmk1 wrote:Have you had the opportunity to try the new Gallardo?

No, I haven't. I drove the Superleggera earlier this year and that was quite awesome (apart from the e-gear - I am old fashioned and like the stir the gears myself!). The noise is to die for, although probably a bit over brash for a long journey.

Kind regards


PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:57 pm
by martine
stefan einz wrote:If you like the sound of the Zonda, then you may like this video:

Fantastic website Stefan...impressive to have the ability to get controlled tyre squeal from a super grippy car like the Zonda.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:21 pm
by stefan einz
Here is a rather more relevant time for the GT2 - round the Nurburgring in the hands of Chris Harris (who is quick, but not as quick as the really quick guys, as he freely admits). ... a=features

This is just the GT2 lap - there is other fascinating media on the DR site about how it compares to the GT-R. If you're into cars, DR is worth a look as I think the multimedia format is really now coming into its own. For example: ... etruth030/

I doff my cap to Chris Harris, who I think is one of the very best motoring journalists today.

Kind regards


PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:05 am
by Renny
Triple S,

your post reminds me of a story told by a friend who a few years ago worked for Mr Stewart, first at the Shooting, then as his Chauffeur. Due to some problem or other, he was going to be very pushed for time to get JYS to a meeting in Central London. JYS suggested that he drove - Alan's comments were along the lines of how smooth and rapidly they travelled, with no apparent rush or drama. A Master at Work..