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What do you to take to a driving test?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 9:34 am
by jbsportstech
My partner has her driving test on friday and she can't find the booking letter. Does have to have this?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:05 am
by Renny
If the mad paniced hunt fails to find it, I presume she knows where and when?

I'd suggest she turn up with driving licence (both parts).

Someone more up to date with procedure should be along soon.

Hope she does fine.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:26 am
by jbsportstech
Website states you need appoitment latter without the MAY not let you take it. its to late to cancel surely if you have all other documents the appointment letter won't cause them to cancel the test.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 1:25 pm
by ScoobyChris
Is it worth contacting the test centre directly and explaining the situation and see what they say? I imagine it's a reasonably common occurrance :D


PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 1:39 pm
by fungus

Contact the DSA on 0300 200 1122 and tell them the problem.

Personaly, I can't see it being a problem, as I have never had an examiner show any interest in it, but check with the DSA anyway.

Make sure that she takes both the photo card, and the green paper counter part with her.

One ADI was relating an incident he'd had at the Dorchester test centre.
Examiners came out, called the candidates, checked the documents, and off they went. He was still left with his pupil. Along came the Chief Examiner about 3mins later, and looked in the waiting room. Have you got a test booked? he asked. Yes said the ADI. What time said the examiner? 3.30 said the ADI. Are you sure you've got the right day? better check. On checking, the day and time were correct, but the test centre was Doncaster, not Dorchester. The pupil had booked the test on line, and had carelessly clicked the wrong town. Moral of the story, check documents carefully as soon as they arive.

I once saw a PDI at Dorchester with a pupil, and she had not checked the pupils documents beforehand. Pupil did not have the photo card. Test did not go ahead. One very embarresed, and out of pocket instructor. One angry pupil.

Nigel ADI
IAM trainee observer

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 3:40 pm
by zadocbrown
Not having the letter is only a problem if there is a dispute. It only happened to me once. It was a short notice booking and the examiner arrived expecting a different candidate! It was useful then to have the right bit of paper. If all goes smoothly you won't need it though.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 8:21 pm
by ExadiNigel
Cue sounds from Dad's Army with Corporal Jones shouting Don't Panic, Don't Panic

You must take both parts of licence. That is the main documentary requirement.

Some tests are marked for the theory test certificate to be checked but if this is lost then a quick call to the test centre usually results in a 'it doesn't matter'.

As mentioned above, the only time the appointment letter is essential is if there is a dispute over the test booking.

Good luck for Friday


PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:30 pm
by jbsportstech

she has found it now..

Only other question is I though you had to have a secondary mirror as he adi doesnt use one whihc seems strange.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:10 pm
by zadocbrown
jbsportstech wrote:thanks

she has found it now..

Only other question is I though you had to have a secondary mirror as he adi doesnt use one whihc seems strange.

Yes, you are supposed to have one. I have seen an examiner go back to the office to fetch one, but technically they can refuse to conduct the test.