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Postby martine » Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:11 pm

Waiting to turn right at a T-junction yesterday...had to wait for a while due to traffic both directions but the chap behind decides I've waited too long and tries to overtake me (to turn left :!: ) just as a car coming the other way turns into our road and both then have to come to a stop to avoid a crunch. I can now proceed and leave him feeling pretty stupid (I hope).

Why do people do this? We were waiting for less than a minute.
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Postby Oddball » Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:16 am

Saw a similar incident today - chap in a VXR following another driver (not me, I was a pedestrian observer) to a T-junction. Vehicle in front does not indicate, but instead of the VXR waiting behind, he moved onto the opposite side of the road as you describe, to turn right.

Car in front ends up wanting to turn right, much confusion, horn honking and hand flapping.

It's astonishing, really....
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Postby ExadiNigel » Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:57 am

Just started a pupil outside Cirencester. First lesson he was driving back home, we signalled to turn right (in plenty of time because we had following traffic) and, not one, but two cars overtook us as we were slowing ready to turn right! Muppets!

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Postby TripleS » Sat Jan 31, 2009 11:01 am

martine wrote:Waiting to turn right at a T-junction yesterday...had to wait for a while due to traffic both directions but the chap behind decides I've waited too long and tries to overtake me (to turn left :!: ) just as a car coming the other way turns into our road and both then have to come to a stop to avoid a crunch. I can now proceed and leave him feeling pretty stupid (I hope).

Why do people do this? We were waiting for less than a minute.

Waiting for anything approaching a minute is going to seem a long time - especially to an impatient type - but if you can't go, you can't go, and that's all there is to it.

On most journeys the difference in time between rushing, as opposed to taking things steady, is not that great, and it isn't worth the added hassle IMHO.

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Postby fungus » Sat Jan 31, 2009 8:15 pm

The road where I live splits into two cul- de -sacs at the end. I live in the one to the left. The visibility when turning right from the cul-de-sac is often restricted by parked cars, but that doesn't seem to register with many drivers who are turning right into the opposite cul-de-sac. Many fail to even attempt to give way, despite the give way lines, and most do not look left. I was very nearly T boned yesterday by a van about to turn right. The driver seemed most surprised to see me as he hit the brakes to avoid hitting the O S of my car.

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