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ROSPA 3 year exam?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 2:32 pm
by martine
I've heard a rumour that ROSPA are considering doing away with the compulsory 3 year re-test? If it's true that's a real backward step.

Anyone from ROSPA know any more?

Re: ROSPA 3 year exam?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:38 pm
by TripleS
martine wrote:I've heard a rumour that ROSPA are considering doing away with the compulsory 3 year re-test? If it's true that's a real backward step.

Anyone from ROSPA know any more?

I'm not from RoSPA, or anywhere else in particular (well that's not quite true, I'm from Stanmore originally) but I agree with you. It looks like a backward step, so I don't think I'll bother with RoSPA. :)

Best wishes all,

Oh BTW, it's been snowing non-stop since lunch time, so I've been out to play, hence the delay in replying. :lol:

Re: ROSPA 3 year exam?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:15 pm
by vonhosen
TripleS wrote:I'm from Stanmore originally

So not even a plain speaking Yorkshireman (who says what he likes & likes what he says) !!!!

Re: ROSPA 3 year exam?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:38 pm
by TripleS
vonhosen wrote:
TripleS wrote:I'm from Stanmore originally

So not even a plain speaking Yorkshireman (who says what he likes & likes what he says) !!!!

No, I'm not even a genuine Yorkshireman; and after a period of reflection I find I don't always like some of the things I've said either. This impetuous style will be my downfall, sure as eggs is eggs; but in the meantime.... :)

Best wishes all,

PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 8:19 pm
by jbsportstech
just be smaller iam then if they do that. So what will happen with bronz as that requires a retest after a year.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:59 pm
by Mr Cholmondeley-Warner
According to RoADAR HQ, there are no plans to change the 3 year test pattern.

Re: ROSPA 3 year exam?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:14 am
by Liz Wragg
I can assure you that there are no plans at all to do away with the 3 year re-test. The first we heard at HQ was a rumour coming from a member, but it seems to be getting around still. The three year re-test is one of the main benefits of RoADAR membership and ensures driving standards are kept up to date - something which sets RoSPA apart from the IAM.

(Also, a Bronze Award only requires a 3 year test, it does not need to be re-tested after a year under offical RoSPA policy)

Elizabeth Wragg
DFS & RoADAR Development Officer - RoSPA

Re: ROSPA 3 year exam?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 1:20 pm
by martine
Good - that's cleared that up then - good to see ROSPA staff posting here.

Re: ROSPA 3 year exam?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 1:25 pm
by Mr Cholmondeley-Warner
Oooh, welcome Liz :)

Re: ROSPA 3 year exam?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:20 pm
by jbsportstech
Yeh should be more of it.

Re: ROSPA 3 year exam?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:53 pm
by nuster100
jbsportstech wrote:Yeh should be more of it.

Oh don't worry, we still keep an eye on things :wink:


Re: ROSPA 3 year exam?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:23 pm
by jbsportstech
nuster100 wrote:
jbsportstech wrote:Yeh should be more of it.

Oh don't worry, we still keep an eye on things :wink:


Ok Jay didn't realise you where a ROSPA spokes person thought you voluntary Chairman of the SW group :D

Re: ROSPA 3 year exam?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:49 pm
by Rabiedmushroom
Liz Wragg wrote:I can assure you that there are no plans at all to do away with the 3 year re-test. The first we heard at HQ was a rumour coming from a member, but it seems to be getting around still. The three year re-test is one of the main benefits of RoADAR membership and ensures driving standards are kept up to date - something which sets RoSPA apart from the IAM.

Hi Liz, that's really good to know.
I wish there was an legal requirement for all drivers to refresh their skills!