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Second Hand Car Child Seats

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:44 pm
by jbsportstech
Anyone with children in car seats who think that purchasing them second had from unknown sources is daft with your precious children (Well mine are to me).

Was helping a guy at work pump his tyre up and noticed his stage 1 seat was a pretty old britax number (Partner used to be a trainer for mothercare/britax and so I know my car seats). He is older than me in his 30's but is only an assistant survyor with a base model golf plus. I asked if the seat was a friends or relatives and he said it was £10 charity shop job bargin, although he will spend £800 on a new surf board.

Should these charity shops be selling seats they dont know the history of?

Re: Second Hand Car Child Seats

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:05 pm
by 7db
Yes. I sell second hand car seats. My business partner just bought one.
Caveat emptor.

Re: Second Hand Car Child Seats

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:19 pm
by jbsportstech
7db wrote:Yes. I sell second hand car seats. My business partner just bought one.
Caveat emptor.

Is this part of your busniess? How do you check the history and know whether they have been involved in a crash etc..

Re: Second Hand Car Child Seats

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:24 pm
by MGF
People might not realise that they can be become unreliable. I think they have to be compliant with the recent standards and had to have instructions with them to be a lawful sale.

Some info here ... _seats.htm

Re: Second Hand Car Child Seats

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:29 pm
by jbsportstech
Well I have bought two infant carriers (One from my best mate and other cost me a monkey) then I have 3Nr stage one as my daughter is 16months and I have britax eclipse si which which my parnter got free/new which is in my mums car. And then in my cars I have two maxi cosi prior xp's which I bought new last year and this. Total cost £284 is that really that dear to make sure my little girl is as safe as possible.

Re: Second Hand Car Child Seats

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:33 pm
by 7db
jbsportstech wrote:
7db wrote:Yes. I sell second hand car seats. My business partner just bought one.
Caveat emptor.

Is this part of your busniess? How do you check the history and know whether they have been involved in a crash etc..

Technically my business is enabling other people to sell theirs. I ask people whether there are any faults that they need to declare.

Re: Second Hand Car Child Seats

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:34 pm
by 7db
jbsportstech wrote:Total cost £284 is that really that dear to make sure my little girl is as safe as possible.

For 12 grand you could hire her a bodyguard detail for a week. I think you're a bad parent if you don't.

Re: Second Hand Car Child Seats

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:40 pm
by jbsportstech
7db wrote:
jbsportstech wrote:Total cost £284 is that really that dear to make sure my little girl is as safe as possible.

For 12 grand you could hire her a bodyguard detail for a week. I think you're a bad parent if you don't.

7db There is a world of difference in making sure a safety item is working as should be and safe from defects to having a bodyguard for normal child dont be pedantic.

The other issue with secondhand seats is there is normally a world of difference between what you like and what fits in your car correctly. I wanted the recaro all singing all dancing stage 1,2,3 but it didnt fit the 9th best selling new family car in europe so I got another maxi cosi.

Re: Second Hand Car Child Seats

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:42 pm
by Mr Cholmondeley-Warner
I own a second-hand crash helmet I bought off eBay. OMG I'm gonna die .... :shock: :shock: ----->

Question: when your daughter grows out of this array of expensive car seats you have for her, will you sell them on? Or will you ensure that they are destroyed so that nobody could be exposed to a used item?

Re: Second Hand Car Child Seats

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:47 pm
by 7db
jbsportstech wrote:7db There is a world of difference in making sure a safety item is working as should be and safe from defects to having a bodyguard for normal child dont be pedantic.

I think it was satire rather than pedantry. This is pedantry.

Re: Second Hand Car Child Seats

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 6:02 pm
by jont
jbsportstech wrote:
7db wrote:
jbsportstech wrote:Total cost £284 is that really that dear to make sure my little girl is as safe as possible.

For 12 grand you could hire her a bodyguard detail for a week. I think you're a bad parent if you don't.

7db There is a world of difference in making sure a safety item is working as should be and safe from defects to having a bodyguard for normal child dont be pedantic.

Have you owned your car from new JB? Had it on a jig to make sure nothing is out of true and that it's never been crashed? How about crash testing it to make sure all the airbags work properly and there's no sign of structural rust yet?

Re: Second Hand Car Child Seats

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:04 pm
by Octy_Ross
7db wrote:
jbsportstech wrote:7db There is a world of difference in making sure a safety item is working as should be and safe from defects to having a bodyguard for normal child dont be pedantic.

I think it was satire rather than pedantry. This is pedantry.

I thought it was satirical...pedant points not awarded :-)

Re: Second Hand Car Child Seats

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:11 pm
by 7db
I'm afraid not.
Pedanticnessly yours