Driving Challenge Game from DoT

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Postby SeanP » Mon May 04, 2009 9:25 am

This (click) is an interesting game which shows what most of us here should know already; how difficult it is to concentrate on observation whilst engaged in a conversation...

Try it. I missed three questions and was out by one on the total... I good result, I think -- as I was concentrating more on the driving task, than the inane conversation. ;-)
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Postby MiniClubmanEstate » Mon May 04, 2009 1:42 pm

I got the total correct and failed to answer 8 questions simply because I had no interest in the telephone call, I would simply not answer the phone whilst driving in the real world. In my previous job there was often much distraction from ignorant passengers, I dealt with this by slowing down the rate of conversation and when they realize that I can't even be bothered to look at them whilst speaking to them, they tend to realize that I have no interest in answering their queries whilst I am driving.
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Postby TripleS » Mon May 04, 2009 2:13 pm

What a load of bollox. I abandoned it when they started on about the different coloured tee shirts and wanting us to add up the score. This bears no relation to any driving situation so it proves nothing, except that the people who devise these tests are idiots.

Now if it's a matter of dealing with a brief and simple telephone conversation whilst driving, I can do that, and occasionally I do, and it doesn't involved running over any pedestrians either - regardless of the colour of their tee shitrts, or their [insert long string of expletives] inside leg measurement.

Is this what we pay our taxes for, so that morons in the DoT can produce this crap, instead of getting out into the real world and doing something useful?

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Postby MiniClubmanEstate » Mon May 04, 2009 3:13 pm

TripleS wrote:Now if it's a matter of dealing with a brief and simple telephone conversation whilst driving, I can do that, and occasionally I do, and it doesn't involved running over any pedestrians either - regardless of the colour of their tee shitrts, or their [insert long string of expletives] inside leg measurement.

So what you mean is that when you are driving you don't exert 85% of your attention to bus spotting and remembering how many Denis Darts, Wright Handy buses, Volvo Olympians and Mercedes Benz O405's you've seen and their fleet numbers. :wink:
I had similar beliefs that real life driving meant concentrating on how to deal with hazards safely and efficiently, How could we both have been so wrong. :roll:
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Postby TripleS » Mon May 04, 2009 4:40 pm

MiniClubmanEstate wrote:
TripleS wrote:Now if it's a matter of dealing with a brief and simple telephone conversation whilst driving, I can do that, and occasionally I do, and it doesn't involved running over any pedestrians either - regardless of the colour of their tee shitrts, or their [insert long string of expletives] inside leg measurement.

So what you mean is that when you are driving you don't exert 85% of your attention to bus spotting and remembering how many Denis Darts, Wright Handy buses, Volvo Olympians and Mercedes Benz O405's you've seen and their fleet numbers. :wink:
I had similar beliefs that real life driving meant concentrating on how to deal with hazards safely and efficiently, How could we both have been so wrong. :roll:

I dunno, it's quite worrying, ain't it?

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Postby fungus » Mon May 04, 2009 7:35 pm

Can't comment. I just get a blank screen.

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Postby Sru_1980 » Mon May 04, 2009 8:17 pm

Well, I only failed to answer one question, and the total score I got on the t-shirts was 25 out of 27 - and I'm having a drink aswell :shock:
I don't think games like these prove anything, although they're quite entertaining really - I was quite dissappointed, tho', that the scores for the pedestrians wasn't running as many of them over as possible!! :twisted: :lol:
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Postby jbsportstech » Mon May 04, 2009 8:23 pm

I failed to answer 8 questions and counted 24 points. spoted the rabbit!

I use handsfree on occasion but I concentrate on the drive not the call. I always say to callers whether or not a feel the work load is suitable for me to have a conversation and with that level of load through those residential streets I would have ended the call and focused on the drive.
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Postby kfae8959 » Tue May 05, 2009 12:51 am

Irrelevant as it might be, could the OP supply a transcript of the woman's script noting the questions? I've even been through it with the screen turned off, and it consistently tells me I've missed eight. Since there only seem to be eight questions in the script, that annoys me a bit, and I wonder if the software is working? Not that that's the point at all - I'm getting rather fond of these moonwalking rabbits!

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Postby ScoobyChris » Tue May 05, 2009 8:22 am

MiniClubmanEstate wrote:I got the total correct and failed to answer 8 questions simply because I had no interest in the telephone call

Me too, or in truth I only remembered that I needed to press the space bar after each question about half way through :oops: I didn't spot the rabbit though - had he been wearing red or yellow, he would not have been disregarded :lol:

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Postby ROG » Tue May 05, 2009 9:08 am

Is the waving rabbit easier to spot if you mute the sound for the whole test :?:
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Postby MiniClubmanEstate » Tue May 05, 2009 9:45 am

ScoobyChris wrote:
MiniClubmanEstate wrote:I got the total correct and failed to answer 8 questions simply because I had no interest in the telephone call

Me too, or in truth I only remembered that I needed to press the space bar after each question about half way through :oops: I didn't spot the rabbit though - had he been wearing red or yellow, he would not have been disregarded :lol:


A very good point, the morale of the story is that if you dress up as a grey rabbit, always wear a high visibility vest, that's what this test has been promoting all along.
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Postby Custom24 » Tue May 05, 2009 12:15 pm

TripleS wrote:What a load of bollox...

Couldn't have put it better myself
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Postby Mr Cholmondeley-Warner » Tue May 05, 2009 12:19 pm

I missed 8 questions also, although I did hit space for several of them. The sound was out of synch with the video - it started early, and so went round in more than one loop - she asked me about milk twice. I did see the rabbit, not sure if it was because I was forewarned, but it was fairly obvious. I was one out on the total - mainly because of the way they criss-cross in front of you. I was not told if I passed or not :?
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Postby jbsportstech » Tue May 05, 2009 12:26 pm

I am starting to think you can't answer 8 questions so you fail the test.

When the dsa dn dft realise that producing games for new/current drivers to 'learn' to play will not make for safer drivers.
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