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Motoring regulations in Thailand - are there any?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 9:46 am
by Darren
Hi All,

Just returned (5am yesterday morning and the jet lag is killing me) from a much needed first anniversary holiday in Thailand with my wife Kathy.

What an eye opener. Tuk Tuks are very interesting and probably lethal. I saw one moped with 5 people on it...yes 5, that was 3 adults and 2 babies held in various arms weaving through traffic in Patong.

Getting drove back to the airport by a taxi driver who just didn't understand stopping distances or the 60 speed limit force. 90mph at approx 5 meters from the bumper of the car in front coming out of Phuket - and didn't have hit seat belt on. Me and Mrs where eyes closed, belts firmly strapped in just hoped we would get to the airport alive, then when it started to rain we thought we were gonners!

It seriously is "anything goes". Next time I knock the UK I might have to pinch myself and think back to this trip.

Anyone else similar experiences?

Re: Motoring regulations in Thailand - are there any?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 9:51 am
by jont
Colleagues have reported India can be a bit like that. It's the fatalistic attitude that if it's their time to go, it's their time to go - no point worrying about it. :shock:

Re: Motoring regulations in Thailand - are there any?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:02 am
by martine
Quick google and in 1996 Thailand had 10 deaths per year per 10,000 motor vehicles. India 20 and UK 1.5.

The fatalistic attitude Jon mentions must make road safety campaigns very difficult.

Over 1m people die road accidents annually worldwide - kinda puts our quaint UK 'advanced driving' hobby into perspective.

Re: Motoring regulations in Thailand - are there any?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:49 am
by TripleS
Good grief, so there really are people with an even more fatalistic attidude than me then? :P

....but to answer Darren's question, I've had one or two taxi rides in the UK that were less than fully reassuring. :shock:

Anyhow I hope you both had a good time. :D

Edited to remove redundant waffle.

Best wishes all,

Re: Motoring regulations in Thailand - are there any?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:56 am
by Darren
TripleS wrote:BTW, Darren. Minor detail: your wife is quite new. Mine has been around for a long time, but I still can't get away with calling her 'the wife' - not that I've ever done that. That would be pushing my luck too much. Anyhow I hope you both had a good time. :D

:shock: I'll edit the original post in case she see's it 8) I could do without being in bad books after such a nice break away.