Observer Training Day

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Postby fungus » Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:13 pm

Yesterday, the Bournemouth Group & the Dorset Group of the IAM, got together for a training day. We were split into two groups. One group stayed behind and had a presentation from Staff Examiner, Andy Poulton, covering all aspects of observing, and highlighting areas commonly omitted, eg shut down drill. The other went out in pairs with the examiner sitting in. One observer drove for twenty minutes and the other observed. Then we stopped and made comments on the drive, and the examiner gave feedback on the drive and observing. Then we swapped over and the driver observed and vice versa. At the end of the second drive the examiner gave more feed back and advice on areas that needed addressing. We were given the examiners report, and then retired for lunch.

After lunch the groups swapped around, and we finished about four o clock.

I was very happy with my examiners report. He gave me good in every tick box on his form, and the overall comments went like this.
Candidate is an ADI
Drive and commentary excellent standard.
Excellent observing skills.
Keep up this standard.

Considering that I only qualified two weeks ago, I was very pleased with myself.

Nigel ADI
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Postby MGF » Mon Sep 21, 2009 3:16 am

Yes, well done. It is commendable that someone who makes a living out of teaching people to drive is happy to volunteer to be an Observer.
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Postby Mr Cholmondeley-Warner » Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:18 pm

What a cracking idea and thanks for the report. I wonder if we can do something similar ... :idea:
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Postby Porker » Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:36 pm

The Chelmsford Group (IAM) and NET RoADAR have (separately) run events similar to this in format. I thoroughly recommend them - it's quite rare for observers to actually have their own driving subjected to thoughtful critique, and rather useful to do so.

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Postby jont » Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:04 pm

Porker wrote:it's quite rare for observers to actually have their own driving subject to thoughtful critique, and rather useful to do so.

Rather depressingly, when I've suggested as much at our local group training days, a lot of observers have seemed rather scared at the prospect of having their own driving assessed :cry:
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Postby fungus » Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:06 pm

The observer that was paired with me would not have had a drive if I hadn't been there, as he did not bring his own car and was not insured to drive his freinds car.

He probably wished I'd stayed at home, as his driving was pulled apart. Lack of progress. Incorrect use of gears, (4th instead of 3rd) in country lanes. Sharp braking. Not noticing speed limits. Accelerating into a closing gap. Poor mirror work. And mounting the kerb.

The examiner suggested that he should have some sessions with a senior observer to bring his driving up to standard. To be fair, my car, a 1.9 tdi Ibiza, probably drove quite differently to his 1.3 diesel Corsa, which could account for some of the control issues.

I certainly think that the members of our group found it usefull and enjoyable. Our chief observer who had aranged the event said that we came out of it rather well. In the light of the fact that the IAM don't re -test observers, only the senior ones, I think this sort of event is to be recommended.

Nigel ADI
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Postby crr003 » Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:00 am

fungus wrote:In the light of the fact that the IAM don't re -test observers, only the senior ones, I think this sort of event is to be recommended.

"Oh yes they do....."

Observer Qualification - A Guide 4th edition

"To retain Qualified Observer Status, they must:
1. ......
2. Re-qualify every three years with the approved Qualified Observer Practical Test conducted by a Senior Observer."
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Postby fungus » Thu Sep 24, 2009 7:38 pm

crr003 wrote,

Observer Qualification - A Guide 4th edition

"To retain Qualified Observer Status, they must:
1. ......
2. Re-qualify every three years with the approved Qualified Observer Practical Test conducted by a Senior Observer."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I would imagine that there are still a number of observers with Grandfather rights though, and they don't get re-tested.

Nigel ADI
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Postby crr003 » Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:01 pm

fungus wrote:crr003 wrote,

Observer Qualification - A Guide 4th edition

"To retain Qualified Observer Status, they must:
1. ......
2. Re-qualify every three years with the approved Qualified Observer Practical Test conducted by a Senior Observer."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I would imagine that there are still a number of observers with Grandfather rights though, and they don't get re-tested.

Nigel ADI
IAM observer

Nigel, if you press the "Quote" button on the post you get it to look like above - sexy 21st century stuff!

I think you're correct - Observers "qualified" before 1/1/2002 can carry on without becoming "Qualified", although Groups should encourage qualification. If they're not qualified, it doesn't look like they need to retest.

However, I would hope Groups are internally reviewing Observers of any flavour with an interest to maintain/improve quality.
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Postby ROG » Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:02 am

It might help if the DSA approved the observer qualification.
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Postby hir » Fri Sep 25, 2009 10:11 am

ROG wrote:It might help if the DSA approved the observer qualification.

NO, NO, NO, PLEASE SPARE US from any nonsense from the DSA.

...Oh, sorry, for a minute I thought you were being serious. I now realise this was just a joke, heavily laced with irony.

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Postby GS » Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:56 pm

Some groups have been doing this for years. Our local Staff Examiner, Fenland Flyer on here, organises the events and some of the local examiners turn up.

Most of the examiners are also quite happy to give a dem-drive to the observers. These events are quite popular with some of the local groups and are run every year. Other groups do not appear to be interested in doing this, I'm sure that they have their reasons.
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Postby plumber » Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:52 am

[quote="fungus" in the original post]
The other went out in pairs with the examiner sitting in. One observer drove for twenty minutes and the other observed. Then we stopped and made comments on the drive, and the examiner gave feedback on the drive and observing.

I am to attend a similar event at a group location I am not familiar with.

From your description it sounds great experience but on a practical note at these events who choses the route?
The driver, the observer or the examiner?

Is commentary expected/optional? - not intimidated by this but would like to understand :?:
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Postby Mr Cholmondeley-Warner » Wed Oct 28, 2009 12:15 pm

Plumber, this is almost exactly the format ad-uk days follow, and they're great fun. Perhaps we shall see you at one, sometime soon.

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Postby fungus » Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:52 pm

[quote="plumber"][quote="fungus" in the original post]
The other went out in pairs with the examiner sitting in. One observer drove for twenty minutes and the other observed. Then we stopped and made comments on the drive, and the examiner gave feedback on the drive and observing.

I am to attend a similar event at a group location I am not familiar with.

From your description it sounds great experience but on a practical note at these events who choses the route?
The driver, the observer or the examiner?

Is commentary expected/optional? - not intimidated by this but would like to understand :?:[/quote]

As far as I know the routes were decided by one of the local examiners who was unable to be present on the day.

Commentary was invited, rather than expected.

Nigel ADI
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