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More "dangerous roads"

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:17 am
by jont
Shouldn't we be looking at why drivers are crashing in the first place and giving them the skills not to?

I also wonder how much safer cars are contributing to higher costs (in the sense that accidents are much more survivable and health care after the event means more people have a chance of living).

A slightly odd comment - ""But most rural roads in Europe are not safe at the posted speed limit." Which makes no allowances for bad weather etc - should all speed limits be set such that roads are safe when covered in sheet ice while driving on summer tyres? :evil:

Re: More "dangerous roads"

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:46 am
by Big Err
"Most deaths happen on busy one or two-star main single carriageway roads that need urgent investment in affordable safety line markings, safety fencing and junction layouts."

I like the affordable bit.

Re: More "dangerous roads"

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:04 pm
by martine
Couldn't agree more Jon.

The quote:
"Single-carriageway roads - which represent one fifth of the Highways Agency network - are by their very nature less likely to score as highly as motorways and dual carriageways," the spokesperson said."

Is a bit weird as well...the HA only have responsibility for M-ways and trunk roads. There must be a much, much higher percentage of single-carriageway if you include the ones with local council responsibility.

Why the rush to make m-ways even more safe...they are already the safest roads by far.

How about spending the same money on driver education?